On the "Women's Issues" page MaryPage alerted us to this week's Newsweek that is all about women w/ Hillary as the lead story, and other women to watch. Now, Newsweek surprised us all by going totally digital in January. So how do you say to someone "get this week's N-week, it's got a great story in it!" where can they go to get it? They can't go to the newstand, they can't go to the library, they can't borrow it from you. I did have a subscription of the hard copy, so i'm getting it electronically, but i can't even copy a paragraph or a good quote to send to a friend, it won't let me do that. It does have a "share w/ Facebook" icon, but maybe the person i want to share with is not on FB.
From my perspective it doesn't sound like a good move, you've lost one of your best marketing ploys - someone randomly picks up your product and decides they like it. But then, i don't have all the facts, do I?