You'd love doing the f2f book group. Our group now has to do this, and we make suggestions about what to read, and when we pick a book, whoever recommended it, leads the group.
We're very simple - - we bring info about the author, open the discussion, about anything to do with the book; characters, places, whatever interests us. We had an excellent discussion just last night, when only five of us were present, regarding "Sarah's Key" by Tatiana de Rosnay. We chose for our next selection "The Girl With the Pearl Earring". We don't really get into the "reviewer" type thing, with a bunch of questions pulled off the internet, although we do ask questions and everyone gets a chance to chime in!
Unfortunately, when library funds got chopped, we could no longer have a librarian lead the discussions and provide copies of the books for us. So we have to go to the Library's website, find out how many copies of the chosen book are available, and each person checks out their own book. We do not emphasize "purchasing" the book, although some of us do if it is one we'd like to make part of our personal collection. I know I've probably said all this before, if not here, then Srs&Friends, or another of our boards here. But this is just to refresh memories so that Frybabe might consider "leading".