Inquiring minds want to know: everybody fess up, who is reading Dan Brown's latest Inferno? I thought it would make a great thing to take on my trip till I saw it in B&N!!!
Thing is a TOME! It is GIGANTIC! You can hardly lift it!
Possibly would make a fabulous discussion down the road, tho, it's full of references to Dante and all sorts of things apparently. If it's any good. IS it?
The last Dan Brown I read was so bad I swore I'd never read another one, the one with the prelates hung up and the people jumping from airplanes to land on the top of the Vatican? That one.
But I read The DaVinci Code in Italy because a friend said she could not put it down and it took her mind off the hair raising curves of the mountains, so I got it. And when I put it in the scanning tray the Italian scanner guy shook his head as if how could you read that? hahahaa
So I'm stuck for a good plane book, not an e book, one I can turn the pages of. I thought the Brown would be perfect. Any recommendations? It's getting to be Beach Book time, when anything goes, what are you reading? I'm still reading Jenny Sanford's book on her marriage to Mark Sanford, erstwhile SC governor, newly elected to Congress, the unauthorized bio of Liberace, and the one by Debbie Reyolds: Unsinkable.
I actually almost picked up the last Kingsolver, Ella, but I couldn't recall if anybody here has read it and liked it.
(I do like that Book Gorilla recommended here, tho they seem to have several books you need to pay for, too. They seem to be a great outlet for new authors.) That may be the future of publishing, get a book sold on e books and then the publishers will take a chance on you.
Desperately seeking a good read!!