Author Topic: The Library  (Read 2297569 times)


  • Posts: 2356
    • Z's World
Re: The Library
« Reply #11160 on: May 11, 2013, 09:29:10 AM »

The Library

Our library cafe is open 24/7, the welcome mat is always out.
Do come in from daily chores and spend some time with us.

We look forward to hearing from you, about you and the books you are enjoying (or not).

Let the book talk begin here!

A wonderful Mother's Day present, Steph!  Revel in it and cheer them on!
"When someone you love dies, you never quite get over it.  You just learn how to go on without them. But always keep them safely tucked in your heart."


  • Posts: 1231
  • Sept 2013
Re: The Library
« Reply #11161 on: May 11, 2013, 01:19:03 PM »
Sounds like a good day planned.  Just keep the good food coming and the will keep busy putting things in order for you.
Hanging things up and high reaching high. Both hard for me to do anymore.


  • Posts: 7952
Re: The Library
« Reply #11162 on: May 12, 2013, 08:35:02 AM »
Happy Mothers day to all... I wish you love and joy in your children,grands and great grands.. Wish the other half of me was here to enjoy it, but possibly his spirit till peep in..
Stephanie and assorted corgi

Ella Gibbons

  • Posts: 2904
Re: The Library
« Reply #11163 on: May 17, 2013, 09:53:03 AM »
Recently, I have read two good books and will pass them along.  I've a new friend who advises and she and I think alike:

MUDBOUND by Hilary Jordan - "Jordan won the 2006 Bellwether Prize for Mudbound, her first novel. The prize was founded by Barbara Kingsolver to reward books of conscience, social responsibility, and literary merit. In addition to meeting all of the above qualifications, Jordan has written a story filled with characters as real and compelling as anyone we know. "

THE LIGHT BETWEEN THE OCEANS by M. L. Stedman - "“An extraordinary and heart-rending book about good people, tragic decisions and the beauty found in each of them.”—Markus Zusak, author of The Book Thief

Has anyone read either of them?


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Re: The Library
« Reply #11164 on: May 17, 2013, 10:15:11 AM »
Inquiring minds want to know: everybody fess up, who is reading Dan Brown's latest Inferno? I thought it would make a great thing to take on my trip till I saw it in B&N!!!

Thing is a TOME!  It is GIGANTIC!  You can hardly lift it!

Possibly would make a fabulous discussion down the road,  tho, it's full of references to  Dante and all sorts of things apparently. If it's any good. IS it?

The last Dan Brown I read was so bad I swore I'd never read another one, the one with the prelates hung up and the people jumping from airplanes to land on the top of the Vatican? That one.

But I read The DaVinci Code in Italy because a friend  said she could not put it down and it took her mind off the hair raising curves of the mountains, so I got it. And when I put it in the scanning tray the Italian scanner guy shook his head  as if how could you read that? hahahaa

So I'm stuck for a good plane book, not an e book, one I can turn the pages of. I thought the Brown would be perfect.  Any recommendations?  It's getting to be Beach Book time, when anything goes, what are you reading? I'm still reading Jenny Sanford's book on her marriage to Mark Sanford, erstwhile SC governor, newly elected to Congress, the unauthorized bio of Liberace, and the one by Debbie Reyolds: Unsinkable.

I actually almost picked up the last Kingsolver, Ella, but I couldn't  recall if anybody here has read it and liked it.

(I do like that Book Gorilla recommended here, tho they seem to have several books you need to pay for, too. They seem to be a great outlet for new authors.) That may be the future of publishing, get a book sold on e books and then the publishers will take a chance on you.

Desperately seeking a good read!!


  • Posts: 215
Re: The Library
« Reply #11165 on: May 17, 2013, 10:46:14 AM »
Ginny, I like the BookGorilla as a source of new books and especially the ability to to select the types of books you want to have included.  It is a site from B&N so don't mind the paid books they have on the list as quickly skip by most of them.  I keep adding books to my digital library but don't get many of them read.  However, I enjoy scrolling through all the book covers for the books I have.  It sounds like you are ready for another trip overseas.


  • BooksDL
  • Posts: 8685
Re: The Library
« Reply #11166 on: May 17, 2013, 06:08:51 PM »
Lary: I'm saving money by making a rule that I can't buy a book until I've finished reading the free sample. I have about 70 free samples on my kindle: some of them have been there forever, and I don't get around to sampling this book that I thought I HAD to have.


  • Posts: 7952
Re: The Library
« Reply #11167 on: May 18, 2013, 08:22:18 AM »
I will have to try Book Gorilla.Sounds interesting. NO, Ella, I have not read or even heard of either book, but will check out reviews.  I just finished Eventide by Kent Haruf.. My second book by him.. Sort of continuing the story from his earlier book. Very good indeed. Makes you really stop and think of how you should pay more attention to others in the community. An event happened in this one that sent me into tears. I did so admire the brothers. Good men.
Stephanie and assorted corgi


  • BooksDL
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Re: The Library
« Reply #11168 on: May 18, 2013, 01:00:11 PM »
Ella,I've heard of Mudbound, but really know nothing about it.  And likewise, my kids gave me Light Between Oceans a few months ago, but I've been reading other books and haven't had a chance to get started on it either.

I've just subscribed to BookGorilla and got my first list of low price and free books today. I'm not purchasing today, but if you cliff on Get It whom are you paying?  To whom do I give out my credit card number?


  • Posts: 7952
Re: The Library
« Reply #11169 on: May 19, 2013, 09:49:09 AM »
I have no idea on the Book Gorilla.. I just joined yesterday and have not seen a daily list yet. I have a friend in a small community in Pennsylvania.. Her community is trying to find an inexpensive place to buy new childrens books.. Anyone got any ideas. They want to give a new book to all of the needy at Christmas. chidren that is.
Stephanie and assorted corgi


  • Posts: 215
Re: The Library
« Reply #11170 on: May 19, 2013, 09:56:12 AM »
pedln and Steph, the BookGorilla link for any book just takes you to the Amazon site as if you were buying any other book from Amazon for your Kindle.  So you will need an Amazon account and you are all set.  If you have the Kindle bookreader or tablet you already have an account to use.  If you haven't ever purchased from Amazon it is easy to set up your account.  If you have already purchased the book it will instantly tell you that and when you purchased it so there is no double purchasing. 


  • BooksDL
  • Posts: 6694
  • SE Missouri
Re: The Library
« Reply #11171 on: May 19, 2013, 11:29:57 AM »
Larry, thanks for clearing that up.  Somewhere I had read the BookGorilla was an offshoot of Barnes and Noble, so it seemed, at first, to have Amazon in there.

If you have already purchased the book it will instantly tell you that and when you purchased it so there is no double purchasing.

Isn't that convenient.  They're rescued me a couple of times.


  • Posts: 7952
Re: The Library
« Reply #11172 on: May 20, 2013, 08:28:31 AM »
hmm. I have the book gorilla and also Amazon of course on my big pc.. Do I have to access them on my IPAD to purchase and download or what?? Sorry, I generally just go on the Amazon site on the IPAD and wondered if I could buy it one way and get it on the IPAD later.
Stephanie and assorted corgi


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Re: The Library
« Reply #11173 on: May 20, 2013, 09:14:37 AM »
Yes, Steph...Download the app for your IPAD.   have both the Kindle app and the Barnes and Noble Nook app on my IPAD.  I have accounts with both, and so I can buy whichever is cheaper of the book I want.  [Yes, sometimes there's been as much as a $4.00 difference in price for the same book.  I guess I could buy IBooks, took, but I never have.]

I've downloaded a lot from BookGorilla...both free and cheapies I want to try.

It's as easy as buying from Amazon for the Kindle since that's essentially what you're doing.



  • Posts: 215
Re: The Library
« Reply #11174 on: May 20, 2013, 11:50:25 AM »
Steph, it makes no difference whether you buy the book from the computer Amazon link or through the iPad since when you open the iPad or the Kindle app on the computer it will be updated to show the cover of the book and you can then download it on either or both devices.  If on both it will remember where you have left off and will ask you if you want to update to the furthest page read.  I have also found that as the number of books you have for the Kindle increases finding a particular title by using the covers can become burdensome.  So I just go to my Amazon account information and click on my Kindle orders and do a search by title or author or if I know it was a recent book just look at the latest purchases.  You also follow this process when Amazon notifies you there was been a correction in a book and you use the little drop down link to the right side of the page and it gives you that option along with several other things you can do.  I do wish that they would give us the ability to setup separate bookshelves to place read books or by type on separate shelves.  I had that on the Android app I had and really liked it. 


  • BooksDL
  • Posts: 8685
Re: The Library
« Reply #11175 on: May 20, 2013, 04:47:29 PM »
My older Kindle has books in lists, not pictures of covers, and I like that much better. It is easy to skim. I have them by collections, too, so I go into the type of book I want to read. You can put a book in more than one collection (i.e, a biography of Newton under History, and Science?)

I had the same trouble getting my music program to give me lists, not CD covers. They may look prettier, but it's impossible to find anything. Even the lists, I have to rename every thing, since Beethoven's 5th Symphony might be under B for Beethoven, L for Ludvig, S for symphony no. 5 or the name of the conductor, first or last. Oye.

These prgrams are definitely made for people who aren't serious about books, music or anything else. If you have half a dozen books or recordings, they're fine. But not for us.

The example that fries me is when the adds show you can get an APP  that will allow you to play the piano. As long as youre willing to only play things that have only ten notes in them, and only one note at a time. Great. We can do anything we want, as long as we stay at a five-year-olds level.


  • Posts: 7952
Re: The Library
« Reply #11176 on: May 21, 2013, 08:59:08 AM »
I cannot imagine trying to play the piano on my IPAD.. Wow.. The Oklahoma tornado pictures and reports are terrifying. Hopefully no one on SeniorLearn was caught in it.. Working in dog rescue, I know that word has gone out for animal rescue to come help..
Stephanie and assorted corgi


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Re: The Library
« Reply #11177 on: May 21, 2013, 10:21:45 AM »
It is indeed, Steph.  The loss of life and destruction is hard to imagine.


  • Posts: 1870
Re: The Library
« Reply #11178 on: May 21, 2013, 12:25:52 PM »
There is a new phishing scam, tied to your Chase credit card (if you have one).  It will arrive in your Spam folder most likely, and while the logo looks correct, their email address is wrong, and there are misspelling errrors.  It asks for "information" about your account.  I called Chase and they are aware.  Just delete immediately.
The reading of a fine book is an uninterrupted dialogue in which the book speaks and our soul replies.

André Maurois


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Re: The Library
« Reply #11179 on: May 21, 2013, 01:17:35 PM »
That sounds like the telephone call I get occasionally about.."ALERT!  URGENT information about your credit card..." and whatever else she says before I hang up the dang phone!!


  • Posts: 3055
Re: The Library
« Reply #11180 on: May 22, 2013, 02:59:14 AM »
Ha ha - Joan, by coincidence I was just listening to a very funny programme on Radio 4 - it's called Down the Line and it's a spoof radio phone-in.  They are supposed to be discussing 'child geniuses'  and a mother calls saying that her 4 year old daughter is a piano playing prodigy.  She puts the poor child on the line and makes her 'play' what is clearly one of those toy keyboards.  What tune is that? asks the presenter.  'Demo Two' replies the little voice.



  • Posts: 3725
Re: The Library
« Reply #11181 on: May 22, 2013, 09:38:53 AM »
It would appear that THE big book of this year will be the third by a very fine Afghan/American writer:  Khalid Hosseini, "And The Mountains Echoed."  It had a fantastic review in The Washington Post.


  • Posts: 2356
    • Z's World
Re: The Library
« Reply #11182 on: May 22, 2013, 02:38:48 PM »
Question about bookgorilla:  I've signed up and am getting the daily e-mails.  Are the prices good only for the day of the e-mail?  or for how long?
"When someone you love dies, you never quite get over it.  You just learn how to go on without them. But always keep them safely tucked in your heart."


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Re: The Library
« Reply #11183 on: May 22, 2013, 03:20:31 PM »
It will usually say at the bottom of the item how long it's good for.  Some of mine have just been for the day...others don't have an expiration date.  Some are cheaper on bookgorilla than normal...others are the same price as listed on Kindle page, I've noticed.  I suppose that varies by the title you're looking at.

I've found a lot of new authors to give a try.

Because I'm very annoyed by misspellings, wrong names used for characters, sloppy or incredibly bad grammar, I've taken to reading seriously the one and two star reviews. If they mention those things above that annoy me, I skip the item.  I'm too old and there are too many decent books written out there for me to put up with sloppy/incompetent writing. ::)


  • BooksDL
  • Posts: 8685
Re: The Library
« Reply #11184 on: May 22, 2013, 03:35:14 PM »
Today is the 210th anniversity of the opening of the first Public Library (Philadelphia)! Hooray, libraries!

(My source didn't make clear whether that was first anywhere or first in the US).


  • Posts: 3656
Re: The Library
« Reply #11185 on: May 22, 2013, 03:44:29 PM »
At Long Beach Island on the Jersey shore, 80 degrees, sunny. Woohoo!

Still a lot of damage from Sandy, but we are surprised at how much is already repaired.

Reading "Much Ado About Jessie Kaplan", by Paula M. Cohen, much fun about a grandmother who says she once lived in 16th century and was a girlfriend of Shakespeare. Sounds kooky..... a little...but a good creative story that lets the author, an English prof at Drexel U, talk about S's plays and sonnets. Also a lot of Jewish culture and humor to enjoy whether or not you are Jewish. Also skimming through Uncommon Grounds, a history of coffee. LOL ......I think he may give coffee too much credit in some cases - coffee houses spawned revolutions, well, maybe they had a little significance in giving people places to gather to conspire, but "spawned" ???


  • BooksDL
  • Posts: 8685
Re: The Library
« Reply #11186 on: May 22, 2013, 04:20:46 PM »
We used to vacation at Long beach island when I was a kid (at Beach Haven). Haven't been there in decades. I heard Sandy had done a lot of damage. I remember talking to a woman who had stayed in her house there during a hurricane in the 1930s. First the ocean went over the house into the Bay. Then, after the eye, the bay went over the house into the ocean. She was in the house: how she survived, I'll never know!

Glad it's coming back. I have very fond memories of it. Have ou been there long enoiugh to remember the old Baldwin Hotel? One year, Gloria Swanson was staying there at the same time we were. My mother was so thrilled.


  • Posts: 2356
    • Z's World
Re: The Library
« Reply #11187 on: May 22, 2013, 05:05:24 PM »
Thanks, jane.  I'll look further.
"When someone you love dies, you never quite get over it.  You just learn how to go on without them. But always keep them safely tucked in your heart."


  • Posts: 7952
Re: The Library
« Reply #11188 on: May 23, 2013, 05:00:52 PM »
Ah Ha. Safe and sound in North Carolina. Figured out that it takes me about 10 hours give or take, but I stopat 7 or so, Just get tired enough to fret about being careless. The dogs hate it.. They love the car, but the motel room ijust does not smell right to them.. La Quintas are nice for them, but there are not that many. They have a special dog area.. with a convenient door to a small dog walk area with trash bags and cans and at least a small amount of grass.
I got in food, unpacked the car and will run some errands tomorrow and hopefully cut back the ivy, which is valiantly trying to take over my little house..
Stephanie and assorted corgi


  • Posts: 2356
    • Z's World
Re: The Library
« Reply #11189 on: May 23, 2013, 05:09:08 PM »
Glad you're getting settled in...again, with an uneventful trip.  Looking forward to a visit.
"When someone you love dies, you never quite get over it.  You just learn how to go on without them. But always keep them safely tucked in your heart."


  • Posts: 3656
Re: The Library
« Reply #11190 on: May 23, 2013, 09:17:24 PM »
Joan - we're in Beach Haven! 5th St and the beach! A little 3 story house that belongs to our friends the Wells family. We've only been coming for about five yrs. This little old house survived bcs it was up on piles and the dune in front of it and the ocean went under the house and into the garage. A newer house across the street was built on a slab, the ocean and the sand pushed it off the slab into its yard. It's totally gone. The 5th St pavillion is gone, but they are rebuilding a much bigger one. Almost every Sat there were wedding parties getting pictures taken on the pavillion.


  • BooksDL
  • Posts: 10971
Re: The Library
« Reply #11191 on: May 24, 2013, 12:05:26 PM »
Wow, Jean,you're so close to our last Beach Haven haunt!  If you have time, and feel like a stroll, would you do me a favor, and take a look at 121 2nd St., second block from the beach, I think, and see if it survived.  It was in good shape 2 years ago, when a friend went up to see his nephew perform at the Starlight Theater.  It's a big old Victorian house, with a wraparound porch.  The owner lived on the ground floor and we rented the rest.


  • BooksDL
  • Posts: 8685
Re: The Library
« Reply #11192 on: May 24, 2013, 04:55:19 PM »
And it had a stake thrust through a gable at the top. it was actually a lightning rod, but our father told me it was to impale any witch that tried to land in the roof. For years I believed him, and worried about the witches.


  • Posts: 7952
Re: The Library
« Reply #11193 on: May 24, 2013, 09:07:02 PM »
At last.. Internet explorer turned on me and I could not answer any emails.. Finally after an hour with a computer expert, have turned to Google Chrome and it likes me.. So does my IPAD.. But I have no idea why explorer decided to not want to talk to me.. Lots of reasons, but none actually worked.
Stephanie and assorted corgi


  • Posts: 10079
Re: The Library
« Reply #11194 on: May 24, 2013, 09:56:11 PM »
Steph, great on the Chrome browser. I am now using it more that my Firefox browser. It is speedier but they don't have as many add-ons as Firefox. My Firefox has a weird font issue that hasn't cleared up with the updates.

I only use IE as a last resort. There are one or two websites that will not answer to the others, Wegmans being the one I am most interested in. I used to be able to log on in Firefox but some time ago it decided not to acknowledge (as in button stopped working) my log on. Same went for Chrome. The Wegmans web people must have messed up somewhere since it happened in both Chrome and Firefox.


  • Posts: 7952
Re: The Library
« Reply #11195 on: May 25, 2013, 08:10:57 AM »
At this moment I am happy with Chrome.. I hated not being able to answer my emails.. I am settling in..The Mountain area in North Carolina decided to surprise us, so it was 40 degrees this am.. cool..crisp...dry..The dogs and I practically danced on our walk. I do love it like this.. I am warned that the bears are descending from on top of the mountain and to be careful at night. We would not have the problem if we did not have all these people with bird feeders who leave them out at night.Sigh.. I truly do not want to meet a bear. and I especially dont want my mouth younger dog to see one.
Stephanie and assorted corgi


  • Posts: 1231
  • Sept 2013
Re: The Library
« Reply #11196 on: May 25, 2013, 06:02:50 PM »
Internet Explorer went bad on me mothers age. 2 have tried fixing it.  Reinstalled, everything but still doesn't work.  Also messed up my MS office. So hard to send some photo's and wants to use Internet Express which I don't like to use.

I put Google on also and seems to be doing O.K.


  • Posts: 7952
Re: The Library
« Reply #11197 on: May 26, 2013, 09:13:30 AM »
Why do you suppose they let IE get bad like this. I would think it would pay microsoft toget fixes for it. Oh well. Google works very fast indeed.
Still cool, but cloudy this morning. The calves of my legs are really sore. This flatlander takes a few week before I stop puffing at climbing up and down my medium size hill..
Stephanie and assorted corgi


  • Posts: 1093
Re: The Library
« Reply #11198 on: May 26, 2013, 09:35:57 AM »
The library is holding Kent Haruf's latest book, Benediction, for me.  Have any of you read it?  I really enjoyed his others.


  • Posts: 3656
Re: The Library
« Reply #11199 on: May 26, 2013, 04:04:24 PM »
Pat and Joan - i didn't see you note until we left BH. We walked down that way earlier in the week and i'm not certain about the exact address, but none of the victorians in that area seemed to be heavily damaged. Most of the housing is liveable and being repaired if they were damaged. The Pearl St pavilion was gone, but it's almost completely rebuilt and just like 5th St, it's bigger and better. Both of them are much closer to the ocean, altho our friends said they are to add 200 ft to the beach!?! That's a long way out from were the beach begins today.

Our dgt's birthday is the 28th, so we always have a big cook-out on Mem Day weekend. Some how it's harder and harder to get the patio, backyard and house ready each year. Huuummm, :) i don't feel that much older, but I have to sit more often, especially since i have a damaged disk in my back, so it takes longer to get it all done. Even when cooking, the muscles in my back get sorer, faster,....... more sitting. Our son, dgt and grandson help and my DH does all of the meats, either grilling or smoking. Delicious! And a good friend makes delicious potato salad and baked beans. See, all the work and pain are worth it and then i can look forward to that delicious food tomorrow! YUM!