Over and above the recipes with pounds and pounds of butter/sugar, the one singular thing that kept me from every watching Deen's show was this: "Yawwwwll". Now, we say y'all.
and it is Southern, but she seemingly emphasized it to the point of no return. I got nauseous every time I heard her say that, which is to say only once or twice, or when I was surfing stations and just happened to hit upon her show, and dang if that Yawwwwll, wasn't the first word out of her mouth! And I do think it is terrible for someone to get into trouble for something they said over 30 years ago, and too, a lot of people (celebs) have probably used that N word, or similar, but wouldn't fess up to it. And African-Americans throw it out at their own whenever they get into a scrap or word fight, or just as a matter of course.
Nowadays, in order to stay in the "public eye", it seems celebrities or wanna-be celebs use one of the following "stock" reasons:
(1) I was abused as a child;
(2) I was bullied as a child;
(3) I was in an abusive marital relationship;
(4) I was raised in poverty;
(5) I got in with the wrong crowd, causing me to drink and/or do drugs.
Everytime one of these 'celebs' appears on someone's talk show and begins this mantra, I change the channel.