Lots of interesting books and shows being talked about here. You all are so au courant~!
Helps us all keep up with things.
Winchester Lady, OH so it doesn't come out until Tuesday! No wonder I can't find it locally! hahahaha
The New Time Magazine has an entire page on it, that's the third magazine. I really think this one is one I want to read. It apparently shows Big Brother, not in the guise we knew him in Orwell's 1984 but instead with the friendly smile of a Facebook/ Twitter/ Google online site.
I can't wait to read it!
We read something about the internet in a mystery thriller line when we were on SeniorNet called, I think, F2F? It was about a murderer stalking a website with a bulletin board format (like this one). It was really scary, but everybody who read it seemed to like it. The dangers of the Internet.
Switching subject, Irritating CatchPhrase of the Day (maybe we should have a contest on these?)
#1: "Reach out." As in on any news show on TV, including CNN and CBS: "We reached out to...XXX.... You fill in the blank, Governor White's wife as he's been exposed as a porn king and sex slave trafficer....but she has not responded...."
Yeah I bet they "reached out. " Probably hounded the poor woman to death, showed up on her doorstep, lined the streets with vans and TV satellite transmissions, paparazzi, cameras, probably had to take the phone off the hook, to avoid their innocent "reaching out..."
"Reach out. reach out and touch someone. Reach out, reach out and just say hi, " and other iterations of "reach out" are positive. The press now, in their efforts to be on "our side," are "reaching out" like vampires, corrupting the use of the phrase and themselves, and us, making euphemisms for their invasive voyeurism, in the process. This "reach out" is new, check how many times you hear it on CNN alone this week.
Absolutely hate it.
Anybody got any other pet peeves for Most Annoying Catch Phrase of the Year?