I'm so sorry Fiction was left off the poll!! I don't know how that happened, it's a huge category! hahahaa
One will have to vote with his feet as they say and include it in other, thank you for bringing that to our attention, I am not sure I can edit it now but I will try. You can always change one vote, cross your fingers!
On the list of books people pretend to have read I have to say Ulysses is right on there as well as the Tolkien for me and one other, but that's all I missed.
There's one I never heard of in the Books you Should have Read.
The "pretend" to read is an interesting thing. I don't know that I go around pretending anything, but I keep very quiet when some books are mentioned, the Tolkien (is that the Narnia? The Lion The Witch and the Wardrobe, I missed all those. I have read something of Joyce, just not Ulysses.
Faulkner, I don't think anybody understands Faulkner other than our late Deems, and she really did. He makes absolutely no sense and is the kind of author who is capable of embarrassing anybody with their interpretations. I still remember as an adult in a class getting the stupid panties on the swing wrong and that turned me off him forever.
At least in Latin you are entitled to your interpretations so long as you can back them up with evidence from the text. Unfortunately in English that is not so. If it says panties then to me it means panties but perhaps it's being symbolic or who knows? If you can't back it up when you have read it for yourself then I have to let it go. Expert enlightenment on the text is one thing, the text not saying anything remotely what's written and needing an expert to translate it is another. This is why people hate experts, they want to read it for themselves, but there is enlightenment, pointing out symbolism or references, etc., and there is out and out "translate this for me as I am too stupid to understand English," which is insulting.
The website where that stuff is on wants you to submit in secret your own faked books. I am not sure how you can fake having read a book. It's amazing how many have not read Gone With the Wind , which WAS a good book but have read To Kill a Mockingbird, which I have not. I don't know why. I am not interested in it, I do know the plot, and I like Gregory Peck but I have not seen the movie either.
To compensate I read way more than I ever hope to again of James Fennemore Cooper.
How about movies? What famous movie, either from a book or not have you not seen?
I haven't seen the one on Viet Nam with one of the Sheens, Charlie? Very famous movie, violent, I am sure I am the only one who has not seen it (and does not want to see it) in the world. Can't think of the name.
I did not see Godfather II because of the horse head in I. My understanding is that that horse head thing really happened to somebody. I forget who. Godfather III however, was good.