Jeepers, Marj, I had to read that twice, you actually take NOTES and make a written commentary after you read a book? That is amazing.
De gustibus, I remember really liking Red Christmas, (which you did not review), but I have not even looked at it in years. As I said. I do remember trying once but was deep into the MacLeod type of cozies (I like her too, MaryPage, but I don't think she ever bested Rest Ye Merry, that one was a real joy), and I could not get into the Ruell, so heavens no, nobody run out and buy it!!
But now I'm cloyed out on the cutsey maid/ whatever who is sucked unwillingly and somewhat grouchily, (I want to scream at the book, if you don't like it, don't do it) into punny detecting, so it might be just the thing. We need a Reviewer's Stand here somewhere. Rosemary (where IS Rosemary??!!??) reviews books and one might say every post here is a review but it might be fun to see all the different opinions, that people could reference easily, maybe by title, especially for the new books (like the violently contested Gone Girl hahahaa). I think the writing comments when you finish a book is brilliant. Obviously I am not that smart, because I keep rereading apparently the same books. I like to wait a couple of years and reread some old favorites (that's my not so great way of saying I don't remember having read the thing all that well but i enjoy it a second time and get something new out of it then, too).
But it's amazing how one's own taste changes, too, don't you find? Mine does, anyway. One could make a list of the books one loved and thought were pivotal, and what one thinks of them now. I am sure it would be interesting and probably would say more about where one is now, at this stage of their life, than the book.