I've finished You've Done What, My Lord? and enjoyed it. The more you read the better it gets and it really got laugh out loud funny at the end as the author's style improved. It's got enough verisimilitude to seem real and apparently it was. I kept thinking I recognized the family he was working for, of course all the names are changed, and so forth, but the Lord of the Manor has had a stroke, the wife ( 2nd wife or whatever) is a shouting demanding harridan, there's a brother and heir but he's away a lot, and the daughter has married a prince, does any of this ring a bell?
If you guessed Princess Diana, you'd be right.
Turns out he was an estate agent at Althorp, and the only way I found that out was by reading up on the author, because he does not mention it in the book. They are like the James Herriot veterinarian books, fictionalized accounts of real people and his adventures as an estate agent on a huge English estate. I'd bought three of them, from Daedalus Books which are extremely cheap, I don't know how they do it, they are new books and apparently there's a store in DC you can go to , but the prices are unbelievable, 3 bucks or 4, and they are nice new good size books. I like their catalogs as much as Bas Bleu, I think perhaps better.
At any rate, the series is charming, and very enjoyable. He's really had some adventures with some of the grand people he works for. Explains a lot about Downton Abbey too, indirectly.