My mother gave me a complete service for six as a wedding gift, and we received many pieces as wedding gifts; so we had a good start. Somewhere along the way in that first decade, I must have lost one piece by discarding it in the trash by mistake, or some such. I never quite got over my stupidity in doing that.
In my old age, well, in my younger old age, after my 2nd husband died and I sold our home and downsized into a lovely little condo in Virginia, I gave away about three quarters of our accumulation of stuff. I swore I'd never give another luncheon or dinner party, and I have stuck to that except for Bridge and games parties. I take everyone to restaurants when appropriate. So daughter Anne got all of my best china. Daughter Becky got my Imperial crystal: Candlewick pattern. I took it all to one of those mailing places, and would you know, they packed it all up and sent it off to Missouri and never so much as a single little ball fell off! Daughter Debi had chosen my Fairfax pattern for her sterling silver, so she got all of mine and all of my Aunt Hilda's and had a bunch from HER wedding gifts, so she is really fixed. Me, I think we were all daft to find silver so important (I gave each of my daughters a "silver service" when they married! Scheesch! You know: coffee pot, tea pot, sugar & creamer, tray, bowl to dump the dregs in, and so forth.) back in the day. It was as though it marked the class you were from, or something. I am thrilled not to have to try to polish much with these stricken with arthritis old fingers of mine! Yep, if I had it all to do over, I'd opt for the simple life! No sterling, no porcelain, no crystal!