PatH., So glad you are in Portland with family, and was not caught in the snow storms. Isn't it funny how we just learn to adapt to changes with the holidays, and go with the flow. One thing I was never good at raising my children, was
"flexibility." Now, my grown children, and grandchildren have taught me the most important lesson, to be
"flexible." So what if we celebrate a birthday before or after the actual day, eat Thanksgiving dinner at 1:00 p.m., instead of 3:00, so they can get to other family dinners, and yes, we can actually not all celebrate Memorial Day, Labor Day or the 4th of July all together, when sports schedules conflict. My hubby and I are really learning to accept what we can manage, and not be too disappointed in what we can't manage. Pat, does it ever get any easier when you have to leave and say good-bye? I cried like a baby when my daughter left to go back home.
Ginny, Oh I love this....
"I've gone from being a participant to a spectator in life," Sad to say, it does seem to be accurate as we grow older. Although, I have to say, these past few weeks have been so busy for me, trying to keep up being a participant, I wouldn't have minded being a spectator at times.
Barb, Oh dear... I know how you are feeling after
"pulling an all-nighter." The night before my daughter and son in law were to leave to go back to Florida, after their week visit with us, my daughter and I did just that. She got a few hours of sleep, but I got zero, zilch, nit, none! Once they left for the airport, I collapsed on my couch, cried, and finally fell off to sleep around 9:00 a.m. I think I am still trying to recuperate.
Jane, What an interesting article. Thanks for sharing.
Frybabe, I am so jealous you have been diligently reading. I finally picked up my Danielle Steele book last night before falling off to sleep, the first book I've picked up in weeks. I started this book back in the summer, and it has sat on my bedside table since. Hope to finish it one day. I borrowed my neighbor's book
The Tattooist of Auschwitz, she said I could probably read it in just two days. I will take that challenge once I find the time to begin it.
Well, today is the 1st Sunday of Advent, for Christians around the world. It is the beginning of preparing for the birth of the Christ child, the true meaning of Christmas. My house is all decorated, since I wanted it all festive for my daughter's visit. I have done a little of my shopping online, although I am getting excited to see all the stores in full holiday decorations, and looking forward to our book club annual holiday open house discussions.