See, there's just no book that everyone is going to like. I haven't read it, but I'm going to pick
it up at the library and glance through it, to decide whether to try it. Books featuring animals
can be very good, but they can also go too far in one or another direction. Matter of taste.
I'm repeating this post this morning, to catch people's attention.
Have any of you smart people with wide-ranging interests seen any subjects/articles lately
that you think would make a good discussion. We're devoting three days per topic currently on
Talking Heads and are presently talking about modern medical miracles. We're going to need
some new topics in a very short time, so do come by and take a look. If you have a topic,
please e-mail me about it. (Just click on my name on the Post. You'll find the address there.
Do, please, identify yourself in the subject line so I don't delete you.