I try to balance my reading of my beloved oldie authors, Edith Wharton, Henry James, the English gals Austen and Bronte - with some moderns: Jonathan Saran Foer , Zadie Smith, Joshua Ferris, Lorrie Moore, Mary Karr, so I can learn the thoughts and feeling generated by our contemporary civilization. I am sometimes disappointed but more often enthralled by their originality.
The columnist David Brooks has a super article
Social Animal in the new Yorker issue of a couple of weeks ago, the one with the wrecked-up spiderman actors on the cover. I don't always agree with Brooks on political matters, but he is spot on here, with his case for man as a social being even more than a rational one. That the things that make for a happy life cannot be taught in any college classroom, no matter how high the tuition or exalted the reputation. Provocative, well-researched, and funny in parts.
My Book Club voted to read The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks, and I will be leading the discussion, in March. I found it fascinating, even with no scientific background at all.