Oh me, I am sure Janet Evanovich got lots of money, but Lula is heavy.. A definite part of her character,n ot a little heavy, a lot heavy.. MOrelli is prototype Italina and this guy is not.. and Katherine Hegl is blonde of the month. Oh well. I will skip the movie and not worry about it.
Yes, the trial we are talking about is a real one. It has received national attention and Today for one has had someone reporting on the trial all week. Yesterday was a parade of ex boyfriends and friends of hers, all testifying that the month when the child was missing ( supposedly), she was happy , friendly and going out each and every night. It was only when her Mother finally realized that noone had seen Caylee that the girl decided to be upset.. Of course the baby was dead the whole time.
She lies like she breathes.. Even with her friends, since she told everyone she worked as an event planner at Universal and she had no job at all.