Just catching up as was locked out by Apple (or something) - 'no data available' - whatever that means.
Barb - I had never heard of 'tailgating' so I was fascinated to read that article, thanks. As is so often the case, we think that because our countries speak the same language, they do the same things - this is so far from the truth! (In the UK, tailgating means driving right up behind someone to intimidate them - a favourite practice of some male drivers if they think people like me are going too slowly.) I don't know why we think it about N America, as I don't think we would expect people in S Africa, for example, to have lives like ours.
Frybabe - a new friend of mine, who is in her 80s, has just adopted a cat. I took her to collect it - she got it from a breeder who didn't want the poor thing any more, as presumably the cat had stopped being good breeding stock. It was not a pleasant experience seeing the conditions in which these breeding queens are kept - outside runs in very cold weather, hardly any natural light, just walking up and down their pens all day. We brought this little cat home (she is 3 or 4 years old) and she has been under my friend's sideboard ever since (2 days) though it is clear she comes out at night to eat, use the litter tray and even play with her toys. My friend is beside herself with worry, but I am absolutely confident that the cat will come round, and will then realise what a great place she has landed in - she will be spoilt rotten, the heating is permanently on, and Barbara will give her the best of everything. I just wish we could have rescued all of those poor cats. Enjoy Oscar - sounds like he is quite a character already.
In other pet news, I have been told of a Cocker spaniel who may be expecting, so I have noted my interest in a puppy. Yes, i am now officially certifiable.
Tome - that is a great idea, having a special book group for mysteries - I will suggest it at our library. I have read some of the books on your list, they all look interesting.
Barb - yes, I too have read plenty of those authors you mention - Maeve Binchy, Debbie Macomber, Joanna Trollope, Cathy Kelly, Alexander McCall Smith - & I also love the early Jilly Cooper books. I think a good romance - well written and with a plot other than just the He-Man/buxom woman story - is great every so often.
We had our book group meeting on Tuesday. The discussion about the 2 books we had read was quite lively, and we have acquired some new members, which is good. I'm not sure, however, that these ladies are going to want to read/research around the subjects as much as I had hoped - I tried to bring in some discussion about southern life, and they looked a bit puzzled, so maybe they just want to talk about the writing, which is fair enough. I'll just have to enjoy our discussions here - you people are mines of information! The next 2 books we have are "The Other Side of the Bridge" by Mary Lawson, and "The Vanishing Act of Esme Lennox" by Maggie O'Farrell - haven't read either of them before.