Thank you, MARYZ. (My dictionary is incredibly heavy.

Good point, JEAN. 'Good news' has never attracted the attention that bad news
does. In all fairness, I suppose the need to warn the public of anything that
could bring them harm is important. Still, the idea of giving public attention
to lawbreakers and egoists simply makes the problems worse.
It's bound to be a bit painful to see the mores that were so important to us
be dismissed in what seems so careless a manner. We can see so clearly the harm
that some of the modern attitudes can bring about. Actually, I think the succeeding
generations tend to alternate, as each generation strives to be 'different' and
individual. The 'wild' generation is succeeded by the more social conscious
generation, etc., etc.
Thank you, JOAN. I've been finding posts about Haruf in several places, and
the reports are good. My library has the two earlier books, and I plan to read
them. The first one at least, and that will decide for certain if I read more.
"The Hunger Games" have gotten a lot of publicity here, ROSEMARY, but the
other titles are new to me. I read "Hunger Games" and saw the movie. They
did hold my attention, but I didn't care for the final ending of the book and
don't plan to read the sequel. Your daughter is probably right.