Thanks, Tomereader. I'll change the location of it.
Interesting about the nonuse of "take" in the south. It's when it's used by northern, those living in Seattle, Idaho, etc. that throws me, I guess.
The difference between bring and take was something that was drilled into me in elementary school in Ohio so old habits die hard.

I don't think there was ever any meaning/inference of the person not being "able" to do anything, any more than saying you're "bringing" someone someplace would/could infer inability to do it alone.
It was the difference in direction. "Take" meant something/someone moved from here to there. "Bring" meant it was brought from a distance place to this location.
I knew of the use of "carry" in the south. I had a professor from Mississippi who would tell tales of working at an airbase in AL, I believe it was, and the "carrying" of this person or that somewhere.