I am really enjoying the Labor Day decorations that Jane has put up in the top of all our pages here, thank you Jane!
I've had a TIME with this category! And I have REALLY enjoyed your list of 10- Never on a Sunday: A book, subject, or topic are you absolutely NOT interested in reading in today's times? When you look at your lists, isn't it amazing how different they all are and how cool that is? I love that. We should have done this long ago.
And I about dropped what teeth I have left when I read Jane's I gave up on printed books some time ago...and that's an odd statement from a librarian, I know, but the paper, etc. seemed so cheap and unpleasant to me. It may be my sense of smell and touch are changing in my...uh...mature...years.
Well here's an odder statement. hahahaha I realize this is not what Jane is talking about, but I have this THING about dirty old books. And I've had it a long time. Books are important to me, the paper, the typeset and bindings. And when I stopped taking my grandson to the Library when he got into primary school, and so many journals I needed to read were online in JSTOR, etc., I stopped going, myself. I have to have a clean book to start with. That sounds like a sort of...er...Howard Hughes admission, and I would never have made it had she not said what she did. One wonders if one is getting a little odd, but it is what it is. Even in a Barnes and Noble I take the one in the back of a stack. I know many people here love the library and I would hate to see the Libraries close. I donate almost all of those clean books TO the Library who are really thrilled to see me roll up but ...I think that's the worst of my many quirks. AND I do have a lot of very old books, very old, which were not new when I got them. But if I'm buying one to read for pleasure, I want it clean.
So now we know. I'm a nut case. hahhaa So my choices now for #10 can be written off as such.
Rosemary I am so sorry you (1) encountered one of "those" people as a teacher, and (2) especially sorry it was in Latin, of all subjects.. It's true some of the old Latin teachers were tartars, but yours seems to have gone beyond the pale like my own monstrous experience with Miss Thomas. Latin is such a beautiful joyful experience, double shame on her.
10- Never on a Sunday: A book, subject, or topic are you absolutely NOT interested in reading in today's times?
And to that let's add author to the categories. Author: I will not read anything at all by James Fenimore Cooper. His style drives me insane (and it did Mark Twain, too, read his hysterical take on it). The man can make one sentence last two pages because it's full of this or that stream of consciousness or philosophical thoughts, each one drifting off into another with no possible connection to the sentence. One loses the thread.
Genre I can't think of a genre I won't read, or haven't read once. I don't want porn. I guess the closest I could come to the genre or topic category is books written by people about history purporting to BE history which are not history but rather the opinion of the writer who himself (let's say himself) has no credentials at all to write the book in the first place. I'm not talking about Historical FICTION.
I'm talking about books, videos, documentaries and podcasts and MOST PARTICULARLY How to Learn Latin texts, videos, and presentations, written or presented by people who fancy themselves historians/ Latin scholars and are not. People believe them!!! I think such books, often highly publicized, are dangerous because the presentation is charming and homey and they are misleading and should have a warning slapped on the covers, or presentations, or do we not care any more? "This person is a fake, read/watch at your own peril!"
I like Sci Fi. I think Ray Bradbury is a wonderful writer and I also loved 2001, and R.U.R., and stuff like that. I have no problem with it. I Haven't read the Manga series, but I have read comic novels....I read pretty much everything.
Topics: Independent Women Who in the End Need a Man. Books about women alone, who struggle and make it, succeed, and are happy but always at the end, ALWAYS they have to find a MAN to be REALLY happy and complete. It doesn't matter what their age. So irritating.
I guess that's my list. I have to wonder, do you think that our present off kilter world has changed your reading habits, and if so, how? THAT might be a good question? UP it goes!
So for the weekend let's move to #11. Great Expectations: A book you really looked forward to reading which was a disappointment. And most importantly, WHY?
And you can always come back and do any of the numbers, or suggest a new category, yourself! I am enjoying learning about everybody here. Maybe we ought to ask about quirks about books, too? I'm sure we've all got them!!!!