Seems to me Elizabeth Cady Stanton had a mess of kids - but then she still has not been given the accolades of Susan B. Anthony. -
I'm thinking society is uncomfortable with a mom figure as a creative genius or someone at the top of the heap - I am thinking it is a guy thing only in that we are still a patriarchal society that has greater meaning than if or not women are subservient to men. The system is laid out in a way that change means we have to buck it and all women have been able to accomplish is a few bulges. However, it remains a system laid out with the values and success-marks of a patriarchal system. And so, what was and still is acceptable - in fact revered as qualities towards creative success - are what woman have been willing to adopt just to show they can do it as they try to get equal access to the system. However, the system still does not honor women as wives and mothers achieving creative excellence.
Oh, we are given all sorts of roses and there is a statue to pioneer women who were only doing a man's job while birthing and caring for children. There are still lots of folks, for the most part they call themselves Christian who hang on to the past and would like it if we still held high the social values before the 1920s which again is promoting and keeping alive the system.
None of us think our own boys, and for some of us our husbands and male family members, are all that bad - we do not label them - we need to believe we have family love and respect - in the face of our emotional reaction to the males in our lives how does each family teach a mind-set change - How - we do not have a kind, gentle way suggested by anyone how to confront loved ones without setting up a mini war -
How are systems changed - we are talking major here - heck laws don't do it - we have lots of progress on race equality but then every week we are reminded we still have not as a society crossed the Rubicon -
I do not think all the ways the patriarchal system touches society have been listed, noted much less cataloged with an agreement as to what an equal society would look like. Some think equal simply means being accepted to do what the boys do within a patriarchal system. What would an equal system look like...?
Look at all the moms who have fought in Iraq and Afghanistan - how many have lost their lives - and yet, we still do not have any women featured in any of the reports - there is this underlying embarrassment that most folks think woman soldiers, not the guys, but the women should be home with their children.
Patriarchy says women should find their success in childrearing and men should, at all risk and cost, have adventure and creative success. Let me ask the question Mabel - what women in recent history that stood up for equality is equally revered and glorified as a man - they still even make in fun of Hillary Clinton - and with this new TV program that has taken off about the 50s - haven't seen it but it brings chills as I did see the caste on the Charlie Rose show explaining their characters along with the producer/writer and recently if you notice the news is filled with Marilyn Monroe - McNamara can own up to his mistake but we still will not forgive Jane Fonda -
Oh, we can get angry with those who seem to have blinders on and are heading for one acceptable morality but it is the system, not those who live by the system - The big question - How is a system changed when the power is in the system.
After years of reading book after book about power and power-over the best answer I found is in a novel that takes place in Italy, during WWII, when marauding German soldiers without leadership, no officers or even Sergeant’s who they had to obey, were guilty of all the horrors we can imagine - why - because as the author said, they can - because in a group they identify with the 'I can' behavior that makes it right – as small children boys are handed a sense of entitlement - the book -
History: A Novel to say a book is written that includes a Bio to match the values admired within our system. A story focuses on those characteristics that allow a page to be turned - they do not publish books that are accurate but will sit on a shelf because the author does not hit the socially revered sweet spots.