I was at a loss for something light and enjoyable last night for bedtime reading and found, in cleaning out one of those huge TBR piles, Much Ado About Jessie Kaplan, another in the Paula Marantz Cohen series (there are only three apparently, sigh) about the septuagenarian Jessie Cohen of New Jersey and once again I am totally bemused and unfortunately have read half the book already.
In this one Jessie has moved in with her daughter Carla's family, and has developed some strange symptoms. Is her mind going? What's going on? There is plenty of additional chaos as the family prepares for a bat mitzvah for the daughter.
Mabel (Jean) had originally recommended these books, the writer apparently lives in Moorestown, NJ, (where I grew up), and they are really good. Light, enjoyable, but with themes anybody can identify with, they are like a good gossip with friends.
Just love the books. The author is professor of English at Drexel, and I wish she'd write more of these, she's written a lot of scholarly books but not in this series.
Wonderful light series of three.