For Your Consideration
Week Four:

March 22-31:
Act IV:

The Threefold World Divided:

Scene i:

"He shall not live; look, with a spot I damn him." (IV, i, 8)
Act IV opens with the members of the Second Triumvirate, Antony, Octavius and Lepidus, pricking out names of people to be killed in the proscription.

  • 1. What two things are revealed about Antony's character in this first scene?

  • 2. What has Lepidus done to earn Antony's enmity? Was it because he allowed his own brother to be on the proscription list?
    What do Octavius's comments about Lepidus show about him and reflect on Antony?

  • 3. How do these three men, who have divided the known world between them, compare to Brutus and Cassius in scene ii? Which group seems more honorable?

  • 4. How would you describe Octavius's attitude and bearing in scene i? Would you have guessed he was a teenager?

  • 5. How would you describe the world that the Conspiracy has thrown the characters into? Is it one of order and deliberation or chaos and tyranny?

  • 6. Why does Antony compare Lepidus to his horse?

  • Scenes ii and iii:

  • 7. What purpose does (scene i) with Lucilius seem to serve?
    Why do you think it's in the play?

  • 8. What does this mean?

    "When love begins to sicken and decay
    It useth an enforced ceremony.
    There are no tricks in plain and simple faith;
    But hollow men, like horses hot at hand,
    Make gallant show and promise of their mettle." (IV,ii, 22ff).

  • 9. What seems to be the real cause of the disagreement between Cassius and Brutus?

  • 10.
    "For I am armed so strong in honesty
    That they pass by me as the idle wind
    Which I respect not. I did send to you
    For certain sums of gold, which you denied me,
    For I can raise no money by vile means." (IV, iii, 76 ff)

    Brutus again states his honorable and honest position. What, however, is ironic about this speech?

           Roman tent reconstruction: (right)

    The Threefold World Divided: Antony in teal, Octavian in green and Lepidus in gold:
    Questions ~ Act I Scene i

    Questions ~ Act I Scene ii

    Questions ~ Act II Scene i

    Questions ~ Act II Scenes ii, iii, iv

    Questions ~ Act III Scene i

    Questions ~ Act IV Scenes i, ii, iii

    Questions ~ Act V Scenes i, ii, iii, iv, v