Julius Caesar
William Shakespeare

"Why man, he doth bestride the narrow world
Like a Colossus."

The Forum 2002
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"The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars,
But in ourselves, that we are underlings."

Texts Online:

  • Julius Caesar Online

  • Plutarch's Lives of Caesar, Brutus and Antonius

  • The North Translation that Shakespeare used of Plutarch

  • Suetonius on Julius Caesar

  • Suetonius on Augustus Caesar

  • More Interesting Links

  • "He reads much, he is a great observer, and he looks right through the deeds of men."

    Caesar is hot in 2003, and there's a good reason!

    "Wasn't life so simple when we were high-schoolers? This one was a total villian, that one was a goody. Re-reading Shakespeare, I'm so much more aware of all the shades of grey in the characters, no more black and white! "---Jan

    Brutus and his coin

    Discussion Schedule:
    Week I:     Act I
    Week II:    Act II
    Week III:   Acts III and IV
    Week IV:   Act V et Sententiae

    Contact: Maryal and Ginny

    The Tragedy of Julius Caesar, written probably in 1599, and Shakespeare's shortest play, is full of surprising new lessons for 2003, of power corrupting (or did it?), of envy and jealousy producing severe consequences even for the best of men.

    "Julius Caesar, so lucid at first reading, has recently been called one of the most dificult of Shakespeare's plays to assess and to interpret. "---The Riverside Shakespeare

    "I do believe Julius is taking over my life." --Anneofavonlea

    "I believe that each generation should have a chance to see a giant figure of the past from the perspective of its own time and circumstances."--Anthony Everitt: Author of Cicero