Author's Tea at SeniorLearn's Soiree in NYC

Maryann McFadden and Bruce Frankel will be our guests at our first annual Author's Tea in NYC on September 11, 2010 at Sarabeth's on Central Park at 4 pm.

Even if you can't make it we'll enjoy discussing their books So Happy Together, by McFadden (now available in paperback) and What Should I do with the Rest of My Life, by Frankel.

"I can think of no writer I'd rather have sing me songs of the sea, even sad ones, than Maryann McFadden." ---Anne Rivers Siddons

"Bruce Frankel's upbeat, inspiring, timely book shows how taking a risk and fighting to find a passionate career - at any age - can reinvigorate your life..."- Susan Shapiro

Let us know if you can join us or just keep tabs on our planning in our SeniorLearn's Soiree in NYC discussion.