About Us
The SeniorLearn website, staffed entirely by volunteers, moved in December 2008 from SeniorNet. The focus of our website is Books and Latin courses.
SeniorLearn's Latin Classes Project has been a leader since 2004 in offering online pro bono Latin Courses to those over 50.
We currently offer multiple levels in Latin in virtual classrooms, available online 24/7 for the convenience of those students from a wide range of time zones.
Instructors are retired Latin teachers and are present in the classrooms. No one needs to be online at the exact same moment as any other student. Students come in at their convenience and according to what fits with their own schedules.
Our Latin classes offer a thorough grounding in the Latin language and grammar as well as the rich history, culture, derivatives and influence of the Romans in the company of enthusiastic like minded learners. Read more about our successes on the National Latin Exam http://www.seniorlearn.org/classics/awards/latinexamawards.html and testimonials here: http://www.seniorlearn.org/classics
Enrollment opens in mid July and information can be found on the Latin courses page: http://www.seniorlearn.org/classics/courses/descriptions.html
Jim, National Latin Exam Medalist
The Book Club discussions, which began there in 1996, and now continue here at SeniorLearn. They span the gamut from monthly specific to a title discussions, to op ed discussions, to discussions of general book genres, to games based on books and literature.
We have 19 experienced Discussion Leaders who lead individual book discussions, including the Book Club Online as the oldest book discussion club on the internet. We are often fortunate to have the author of the book under discussion participating actively in our discussions.
SeniorLearn Books is one of the Reading Promotion Partners in the Library of Congress' Center for the Book. This association started nine years ago when Books and Literature was at the SeniorNet website. This partnership has connected SeniorLearn to a number of stimulating, worthwhile projects, beginning with representation at the National Book Festival in Washington in 2000; a meeting with the author Wally Lamb at this festival in 2001, which resulted in our Prison Library Project in 2002; our partnership with the Pen/Faulkner Foundation in 2003, which has since provided hundreds of books to the prison library project; and our recent 2009 partnership with PBS Masterpiece, which promotes the reading of the Classics presented on the programs.
SeniorLearn's Latin Classes Project has been a leader since 2004 in offering online pro bono Latin Courses to those over 50.
We currently offer multiple levels in Latin in virtual classrooms, available online 24/7 for the convenience of those students from a wide range of time zones.
Instructors are retired Latin teachers and are present in the classrooms. No one needs to be online at the exact same moment as any other student. Students come in at their convenience and according to what fits with their own schedules.
Our Latin classes offer a thorough grounding in the Latin language and grammar as well as the rich history, culture, derivatives and influence of the Romans in the company of enthusiastic like minded learners. Read more about our successes on the National Latin Exam http://www.seniorlearn.org/classics/awards/latinexamawards.html and testimonials here: http://www.seniorlearn.org/classics
Enrollment opens in mid July and information can be found on the Latin courses page: http://www.seniorlearn.org/classics/courses/descriptions.html

Jim, National Latin Exam Medalist
The Book Club discussions, which began there in 1996, and now continue here at SeniorLearn. They span the gamut from monthly specific to a title discussions, to op ed discussions, to discussions of general book genres, to games based on books and literature.
We have 19 experienced Discussion Leaders who lead individual book discussions, including the Book Club Online as the oldest book discussion club on the internet. We are often fortunate to have the author of the book under discussion participating actively in our discussions.
SeniorLearn Books is one of the Reading Promotion Partners in the Library of Congress' Center for the Book. This association started nine years ago when Books and Literature was at the SeniorNet website. This partnership has connected SeniorLearn to a number of stimulating, worthwhile projects, beginning with representation at the National Book Festival in Washington in 2000; a meeting with the author Wally Lamb at this festival in 2001, which resulted in our Prison Library Project in 2002; our partnership with the Pen/Faulkner Foundation in 2003, which has since provided hundreds of books to the prison library project; and our recent 2009 partnership with PBS Masterpiece, which promotes the reading of the Classics presented on the programs.