ENROLLMENT FOR LATIN 101 for the 2020-2021 academic year is now open. Those who asked to be notified will also receive the following by email for the address they gave me. PLEASE read this entire post before enrolling. THANKS!!
Welcome to Seniorlearn Latin!
To explain some terminology I use:
REGISTRATION means you have established a username for use at the SeniorLearn website for posting in all public discussions. You can do that here:
https://seniorlearn.org/forum/index.php?action=registerIf you have not registered a username, please do so before enrolling. We ask you NOT to use your email address as that’s just too long and complicated to use in addressing someone or as a login name to the site. Please select something easy to remember for you and the Instructor and your classmates. A first name with last initial, a grandchild’s name, a pet’s name, a nickname, etc. are all good choices…if someone hasn’t already registered that name. If so, you may need to add a number to your chosen name…i.e., MaryBeth456
ENROLLMENT means you are enrolling for a Latin class. You have a username (see above), have paid the $50.00 fee, ordered the required text, and are all ready for Orientation.
The enrollment period will last until September 6. You'll find the enrollment link at the end of this email, but please read the information below first, even if I've sent this to you before. Please.
There will be an Orientation for new enrollees will run from Sept. 6-9. You will receive an email with a link to this the week before. During that Orientation, I help you become familiar with our website and show you the folder where your class, assignments, pronunciation, presentations, etc. will be located. Please mark your calendar if you decide to enroll, so we can get all this "finding how to do things" out of the way before Ginny, your Instructor, begins class on Thursday, Sept. 10. She gets right into Latin, so "how do I post?" and similar questions need to be asked during the Orientation.
Please read carefully the links below which will give you general information about our classes. The second one will also explain what our classes are and are not and what makes ours different from others out there.
It is imperative that you use the exact ISBN and edition numbers below for the text Ginny uses.
Text: Our text is the new lavishly illustrated
Cambridge Latin Series Unit I North American Fourth Edition, paperback ISBN: 978-0-521-00434-3, which is available in all prices on bookfinder4u.com
It is imperative that you get the NORTH AMERICAN 4th edition.Please do not,if buying a used paperback,(since Amazon has them fairly reasonably new), accept one with any writing in it at all.
https://www.seniorlearn.org/classics/courses/descriptions.htmlPlease understand that our classes are conducted on a bulletin-board forum.
We like this style because all posts (comments, explanations, etc.) stay and can be re-read as needed or wanted.
This is a long-established format on the internet, and one that students need to be willing to adjust to. As with any educational undertaking, students must be self-motivated to want to learn, to understand Latin is a discipline and be willing to follow directions, to be willing to do the work and practice required to master the new grammar and vocabulary of Latin. It's worth the effort. The information is not sent by email. It's on our website in the form of assignments and a classroom within a Latin area that is open only to those enrolled in the class, the Instructor and her support staff. We do an Orientation a few days before the classes start to help the students become familiar with our format and answer any questions they may still have. The date for this is at the top of this email.
Students are expected to do the assignments and either post their responses in the classroom discussion or email them to the Instructor as she directs.
The Instructor is present for the 2 days each week- Monday and Thursday- that the class meets, and there is often practice work to be done on other days. The Instructor does not simply follow the Cambridge text. She provides much additional explanation, gentle correction, etc. as students post their practice/ drills/translations of the week's work. We try, as closely as possible, to replicate a bricks and mortar classroom.
Students come from all different time zones, so there is no precise time on a given day when you must appear. Students come into the class as their schedules permit. We offer the option of a daytime class or, for those who are working or living in western or Pacific time zones, the option for a class after 6:00 pm (Eastern Time.) IF THERE IS SUFFICIENT INTEREST IN THIS TIME SLOT. This is on the enrollment form and you need to choose one or the other.
This is not a "do it when you feel like it" class. The class moves at the pace set by the teacher, based on the students' mastery of the material. For this reason, the entire semester's assignments are not laid out at the beginning. She usually gives a week's assignments in advance, but may change that as students encounter problem areas that need more explanation and practice. This is necessary because Ginny wants mastery of the work, not just covering xxx number of pages, whether the students understand the concept or not. This is what good teachers do everywhere, and what we want for our students.
The cost for this year of Latin study is $50.00 for the academic year (Sept.-May). At enrollment you will be asked to pay. You can send a check to the following address
PO Box 341
Pauline, SC 29374
or pay by your credit card at our PayPal site: You do NOT need to have a paypal account. You are using SeniorLearn's.
https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=6837202IF you have any questions or concerns, please email me with them now, before you enroll.
The email for Latin support (not Latin questions
) is janeiowaLatin@gmail.com
Our enrollment link for Latin 101 is here:
https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/V2HX8D5If you have had extensive formal Latin study and feel you might be better placed at a higher level, please email me and we'll arrange for you and Ginny to work together to find the best placement for you.
For those in the program, the link for upper level enrollment is in the email I sent you and in your previous class, or email me at janeiowaLatin@gmail.com