Author Topic: The Technophobe Reader - Technology Help  (Read 205414 times)


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Re: The Technophobe Reader - Technology Help
« Reply #120 on: May 05, 2011, 04:06:16 AM »

Welcome to The Technophobe Reader

Cartoon used by permission of the artist

Confused about Ihpones, Ipods, Ipads, Itouch, Androids, or anything else electronic? Don't know what a "text" message is? Don't have a Nook or a Kindle and don't know the benefits of an e reader?   Feel left out of the rush of the new technology and wonder  what all the shouting is about?

Have a new Iphone,  Ipod, Ipad, Nook, Kindle,  or I headache or are considering same?

Ask your question here! Other sufferers may be able to direct you to a source for help or help with their own experience.

This discussion has no "expert" moderator, we  offer here no professional advice but we may be able to answer out of our own experience, like the cartoon above, the blind leading the blind, :)  or list places you CAN find help.

Thanks, Harold.  The picture looks like an abstract painting of bluebonnets and wine cups!


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Re: The Technophobe Reader - Technology Help
« Reply #121 on: May 05, 2011, 08:32:06 AM »
It does indeed look like an abstract painting.  And how neat to see your project from this view, Harold!


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Re: The Technophobe Reader - Technology Help
« Reply #122 on: May 05, 2011, 10:49:03 AM »
Harold, it sounds like you were an important part of the process of constructing those lakes. How exciting! I love that image. It reminds me of a modern quilt.


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Re: The Technophobe Reader - Technology Help
« Reply #123 on: May 05, 2011, 05:53:24 PM »
Harold, you never cease to amaze,  I remember you well and the aqueducts in Texas, you are a man for all seasons and modest on top of it!
May 13 is our last day of class for the 2023-2024 school year.  Ask about our Summer Reading Opportunities.


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Re: The Technophobe Reader - Technology Help
« Reply #124 on: May 06, 2011, 11:31:39 AM »
There are some mysteries in the San Antonio pictures that I can't account for.  One is why the airport runways don't show up.  There are two major airports and several small ones.  The Air Force base at old Kelly Field would be the largest ; the SA Municipal too ought to show.  Another mystery is the several predominately red areas.  I can Identify the large lake in the far Northwest area as Medina lake..  Also though the rivers don't show as exposed water I can identify the course of both the San Antonio and Medina rivers by the vegetation and other topographical appearance.  Also I can identify many of the major free way routes amid the green or other color cover  I estimate that the rectangular picture covers an area about 60 X 40 miles, 240 sq miles about 150,000 acres.

Ginny when you and Barbara were here in San Antonio and we toured the Mission Expada, did we run into Brother Jerome?  Last January I took a group of  residents there to see the Xmas decorations at the church.  Brother Jerome gave a 45 minute stand up comic routine covering the subject from every conceivable view point.  The were laughing, cheering, crying.  Finally the discussion cooled off a bit an I seized the occasion to close it out shouting,  "ok lets hear it for Brother Jerome."  They clapped and cheered so loud that he lapsed into another 45 minute encore.  Brother is seldom available to spend so much time and I don't remember seeing him when you were here. 


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Re: The Technophobe Reader - Technology Help
« Reply #125 on: May 06, 2011, 01:22:47 PM »
Harold was it Brother Jerome who came to the door of the one small mission that was closed - seems to me we were allowed to peek in or maybe not - but one of them was closed and it was the one located near the viaduct.

My friend Charlotte and I have been down a couple of times to the Mariachi Mass at Mission San Jose - last I heard it was closed for renovation - is it open again?
“A man should hear a little music, read a little poetry, and see a fine picture every day of his life, in order that worldly cares may not obliterate the sense of the beautiful which God has implanted in the human soul.” ~ Goethe


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Re: The Technophobe Reader - Technology Help
« Reply #126 on: May 06, 2011, 02:39:47 PM »
 Barbara, I do remember we did stop at the Espada church and I think the ranger did com out to meet us.  Since it was the last stop it was late in the afternoon.  Quite likely we did at least see Brother Jerome.  It would not be unusual for him to say hello but not have time for a lengthy lecture.

Yes the San Jose Church is closed for Maintenance  repairs though the site with the grounds and many appurtunant buildings  is open.  I think the Mariachi  Mass is now available at Conception while San Jose is closed..

I think my math in the above post has a misplaced decimal point.  If the picture rectangle  dimensions are 60 X 40 miles the area is 2,400 sq miles.  There are 640 acres per sq mile and 2400 X 640 = some 1,536,000 acres.


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Re: The Technophobe Reader - Technology Help
« Reply #127 on: May 06, 2011, 04:23:06 PM »
Ginny when you and Barbara were here in San Antonio and we toured the Mission Expada, did we run into Brother Jerome?  Last January I took a group of  residents there to see the Xmas decorations at the church.  Brother Jerome gave a 45 minute stand up comic routine covering the subject from every conceivable view point.  The were laughing, cheering, crying.  Finally the discussion cooled off a bit an I seized the occasion to close it out shouting,  "ok lets hear it for Brother Jerome."  They clapped and cheered so loud that he lapsed into another 45 minute encore.  Brother is seldom available to spend so much time and I don't remember seeing him when you were here. 

Hhaha I think I would have remembered HIM!~ What a cute story. There WAS somebody tho, who let us go in one of the churches  when it was supposed to be closed? Or am I dreaming this one? I remember we did meet a ranger somewhere who spoke very highly of you, but I am thinking that this was not a priest who came out. I could be wrong but I can't seem to get a picture of a priest in my mind and I do seem to see a ranger somewhere.
May 13 is our last day of class for the 2023-2024 school year.  Ask about our Summer Reading Opportunities.


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Re: The Technophobe Reader - Technology Help
« Reply #128 on: May 12, 2011, 04:22:44 PM »
This article is in today's USA Today -- describing two phones put out by ATT.  One (Samsung) is BIG, the other by palm (HP) is LITTLE.   Somehow i can't visualize 4.5 inches as being "enormous."

Two phones for you

I'm guessing I really won't understand what all is out there until I read up a bit more in.


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Re: The Technophobe Reader - Technology Help
« Reply #129 on: May 16, 2011, 12:13:36 PM »
Pedin I regarding Smart phone screen size  I think they are all to small for all the great things they are capable of doing.  Even the 4.5 inch phone screen which is considered large for that application, I would considered much too small for use.  Particularly if it relied on a screen displayed virtual keyboard.  My finger tip would cover 3 or 4 letters at once..  Even the larger 7 inch Nook (not a telephone) is to small for me to easily use the screen keyboard.  On the larger 10 inch I-Pad screen keyboard I can barely handle it.  

I now have an I-pad 2.  I ordered it 3 weeks ago today from the I-Pad store on the web.  It shipped 2 weeks later last Monday and was delivered last Thursday.  I had no problem activating it after I printed the first 50 pages of the detailed on line instruction Book.  The only instructions included in the box were about 6 pages on 4 X 4 inch onion skin paper printed in very small 6 pt type; completely unreadable.  I have the model with the 32 GB storage and the wifi connection.  I had no trouble with the activation and set-up with connection to my wifi and  installation of short cuts to my E-mail and major web sites.

It is definitely better than the nook in most but not in all situations.  Most certainly the bigger 10 inch screen results in a more impressive view.  It also permits a larger virtual keyboard making typing easier.  It is probably more stable  than the nook although the user must be careful where he touches the screen least he brush some embedded interactive link.  Also the way it provides the user with control of the screen including text and pictures  size is wonderful.  In particularly I  like its screen display of my regular on-line  Wall Street Journal subscription.  In fact I've been reading it on-line and sending my print copy to a friend here at Chandler unopened.

I was not real impressed with the I-Pad's magnet attached cover.  It covers the screen,  but not the back or sides  and it provides no shock absorption if it is dropped as the Nook cover does with the instrument snugly wrapped in its book like jacket on all 6 sides.  Also the I-pad though its weight is only a  pound and a quarter is not as easy to comfortably hold as the Nook.   Finally on my first appearance in the I-Pad  Book store I was unable the find the key to navigation for browsing through a large list of available books on any particular subject.  I am sure such browsing is available for me to figure out on subsequent visits.  

I plan to use the I-Pad as a replacement of my 6 year old  Dell notebook that I ruined last January by spilling coffee over it.  I will however, due to the fact that I will be carrying it around rather carelessly, resist the temptation to put my banking and other sensitive business material on it.    


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Re: The Technophobe Reader - Technology Help
« Reply #130 on: May 16, 2011, 04:15:31 PM »
I agree w/ a lot of your analyses Harold. The only two grievances i have w/ my ipad is the sensitivity to touch and how a knuckle can inadvertantly touch the screen and take me away from the page i'm working on, and that it doesn't accomodate Adobe Flash videos/games.

The cover i have has protection on the sides w/ a hard frame, which isn't great, but i love that it can sit on my lap w/out my having to hold it. Much easier on my hands.


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Re: The Technophobe Reader - Technology Help
« Reply #131 on: May 19, 2011, 04:27:37 PM »
"There ought to be a license to use technology."  So says, NY Times techie David Pogue.  But since there isn't, he's come out with an article (and more) with some quick tips for cellphone, camera, and PC users.

For example, I just learned I probably don't want to switch my cellphone service from Sprint to ATT because I'd be out of range when visiting daughters in Manhattan and San Francisco. Does that mean ATT cells don't work there?

Are you tired of typing ".com"? -- just hold down Ctr l+Enter?

Nothing really earthshaking here, but fun, and maybe helpful.  Have you tried QR codes?

Basic Tech Tips


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Re: The Technophobe Reader - Technology Help
« Reply #132 on: May 26, 2011, 07:35:49 AM »
Ella, both my wife and I have a cellphone with our own numbers.  However, rather than a monthly plan we have used a prepaid plan where we just buy additional minutes for that cell number and the minutes are good for a year.  Also, as long as we add minutes at least once a year we can carry over any unused minutes.  It is just like a monthly cellphone plan but it is all prepaid and we pay like 10 cents per minute used.  Hope this helps explain the situation.


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Re: The Technophobe Reader - Technology Help
« Reply #133 on: June 10, 2011, 09:41:46 PM »
I have two Kindle problems, and I know I'm probably going to have to call Amazon and see if I can find a real person to talk to, but in the meantime.....

1.  I have a new Kindle (to replace the one I left on the airplane  :'( ).  It's worked fine, but all of a sudden, it tells me that I have to enter the password to hook up to my home WiFi.  I've never had to do that before, but I enter the password.  And it won't hook up.  I've tried and tried - just wanting to get my old books moved out of the archives into the new device.  I finally went to a WiFi Hotspot (Panera), and got a bunch moved.  But it needs to be fixed.

2.  And now arises another problem.  Our girls gave John his own Kindle for Father's Day (bless them - but I did suggest it  ::) ).   I've gotten him set up with his own amazon account (he's hopeless at this sort of thing, and I'm only slightly better).  Now I want to hook him up to my account so he can read my books.  One of our daughters and I share an account, and that works okay.  How can I add his Kindle to our group?
"When someone you love dies, you never quite get over it.  You just learn how to go on without them. But always keep them safely tucked in your heart."


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Re: The Technophobe Reader - Technology Help
« Reply #134 on: June 10, 2011, 09:52:45 PM »
I have a similar problem: my kindle doesn't recognize the password to my wifi network. When I want to download a book, I have to use a neighbors that is not password protected. I feel guilty about this, and am careful to log on and off quickly.


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Re: The Technophobe Reader - Technology Help
« Reply #135 on: June 10, 2011, 10:57:05 PM »
JoanK, nice to know I'm not alone.  ;)
"When someone you love dies, you never quite get over it.  You just learn how to go on without them. But always keep them safely tucked in your heart."


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Re: The Technophobe Reader - Technology Help
« Reply #136 on: June 11, 2011, 09:49:30 AM »
JoanK and MaryZ,  it's been a long time since I set up my wireless, and over a year since I added my Kindle, so am not sure of my memory  and hope I don't have to do it again.

Attaching Kindle to wireless -- is it your password that is needed or your router number?

When friends or family come with laptops and want to get online, they have to key in the router number, which you're given when y ou get the router.


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Re: The Technophobe Reader - Technology Help
« Reply #137 on: June 11, 2011, 11:39:35 AM »
pedln, I thought what I was using was a "password".  Whatever it is, it's always worked for other folks who come to the house and want to use the WiFi.  I just came home from Panera - it hooked up fine with their WiFi.
"When someone you love dies, you never quite get over it.  You just learn how to go on without them. But always keep them safely tucked in your heart."


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Re: The Technophobe Reader - Technology Help
« Reply #138 on: June 11, 2011, 12:23:24 PM »
I just came home from Panera - it hooked up fine with their WiFi.

That's probably because your wi-fi is secured and Panera's is not.

I keep gazillion codes and passwords on my rolodex and just looked at the one for my router.  It has a password too, as well as a router number, and also something called a passcode.

Good luck, MaryZ.


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Re: The Technophobe Reader - Technology Help
« Reply #139 on: June 11, 2011, 12:29:00 PM »
On another note, does anyone use Google as a payment collector?  I've cancelled my print subscription to our local newspaper, and have been reading it online.  Now they are charging a fee for online subscriptions (which I think is reasonable and am willing to pay), but the only way you can do it is through a Google account.

I'm a little leery about third party collections.  Google offers a 2-step verification process -- password and a code that they send you.  It sounds complicated and you have to key in every 30 days.  What a pain.  I do need a local paper, bad as it is, and have determined that print is not an option.


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Re: The Technophobe Reader - Technology Help
« Reply #140 on: June 11, 2011, 01:08:41 PM »
pedln, I knew that Panera has open wifi - that's why I went there.  I've done it befoe.  ::)
"When someone you love dies, you never quite get over it.  You just learn how to go on without them. But always keep them safely tucked in your heart."


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Re: The Technophobe Reader - Technology Help
« Reply #141 on: June 11, 2011, 05:43:14 PM »

Hope you have a nice trip over to Uk.  Was reading all that your phone does. Sounds great for when traveling.  May look into that one.  Not gotten into the IPhones yet.  Seem so small. Using my Mobile phone drives me crazy with the small buttons.  I watch my Granddaughter Texing away with her thumbs. Don't want to get into that.  Took me awhile to like the Laptop keyboard.

I just have to get into more Technology.  Family say I am way behind.


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Re: The Technophobe Reader - Technology Help
« Reply #142 on: June 13, 2011, 07:25:38 PM »
Hi.  This is my second visit to this site.  I just read all of your posts.  Lots of information.  I have some questions.

1.....What is the difference between an I pod, and an I pad?

2.....What is a Droid?

3.....How much does a new app. cost?

I have a cell phone, and a Kindle.  I only use the cell, for emergencies.  I love my Kindle.  It is so easy to hold, and I can change the font size.  I have arthritis in both hands.

Thanks in advance for answers to my questions.



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Re: The Technophobe Reader - Technology Help
« Reply #143 on: June 13, 2011, 07:50:31 PM »
Hi, Jeanne, so good to see you here!  It's strange with the i phone, I absolutely love it, was just looking at a London weather site, it's so fun! I don't know why I like it, because to  do the computer  I  have to have this giant monitor and everything blown up. But for the iphone, which  IS small,  it seems quite easy to see with my reading glasses. When you type, unlike the Blackberry, it makes nice little tapping noises. hahahaa

I think it's the convenience. You have everything in one slim cell phone package, a library, a camera, a phone, the internet, email, a small computer, anything you need and it slips in a pocket.

 If you're ever near an Apple store, go in and try one on for size, they've got everything out there that they sell and plenty of friendly sales people who will explain what needs explaining.  They want people to try them, hands on.

You will feel TOTALLY up technically with either the i pad or the i phone,  I guarantee it! hahaha Even if you aren't. Mine now calls verbally, I don't dial anything,  I programmed in some numbers and now all I have to say when driving is CALL XXX and it does. It also calls 411 for me for information if lost.

 I also now can give voice memos, like don't forget to buy apples and it records it,  no need for pencil or paper, absolutely love it.


Shelia, I am no expert but maybe somebody will correct me if I make a mistake on your questions, here goes:

1.....What is the difference between an I pod, and an I pad?

The I Pad is large, like the Nook. An I pod is small, and it is  two things: it's a small device which looks like a cell phone on which  you can listen to music or recorded things  and it's also what they call the I Pod Touch, (at least the words "i pod" are on the back of my I Touch).  The I Pod Touch is likewise small (as a cell phone) but does a lot of the things an I Pad does. Neither the i pod or the i pod Touch will call like a phone.

An I Pad is much bigger.  It does everything but call as a phone. I am not sure if it takes photos, but somebody here will tell us.  They are wonderful for reading the newspapers or free magazines or even watching the news live or reading a book or surfing the web or getting email ...just lots of things.

2.....What is a Droid?

It's a new generation of I phone, offered mostly by Verizon, people who have it say it's very simple to learn and they love it.

3.....How much does a new app. cost?

They vary in cost. Most are free. Some are 99 cents. Some can be more. I have a lot of free ones and they have given me a great deal of pleasure. At the moment am obsessed with Angry Birds, which I think did have a fee, but it's worth it: it's the #1 app in the world. For a good reason.

Free apps include Newsweek, Time, US News, BBC (which also includes BBC radio) and tons more, pretty much anything you'd like. There are really is endless. If you are ever in a B&N store you can see lots of magazines which show the latest apps by category and there are literally tons of them which do just about anything you like. I've just gotten a great Hearts game, I have 4 Parcheesi games (because I like Parcheesi), Free Cell, Trivia Games,  there's a labyrinth game with a ball rolling thru a wooden maze with great sound effects, there really is an app for just about anything.

Maybe some people here might like to list their favorites, I'd like to hear about new ones, myself.  Entertainment Magazine has started listing the "must have" new apps every Friday.

I have a cell phone, and a Kindle.  I only use the cell, for emergencies.  I love my Kindle.  It is so easy to hold, and I can change the font size.  I have arthritis in both hands.

The keys for the I Pad are much bigger than the I phone. I think Harold talked somewhere about arthritis and the I Pad, maybe he'll come back in or somebody here with arthritis can compare them. The little keyboard on the i phone is VERY small.

You would probably love an I Pad.  Maybe some people here who have it can talk about how difficult or easy it is to type. I know a lot of people use it TO get here and surf the internet. Quite a different experience sitting in your easy chair with feet up and sitting at a desk. The only thing it won't do IS call on the phone. (Not sure about the photos, the i phone takes photos and movies as well).

IF you live in an area with WiFi you don't need a contract to pay monthly with an I Pad, you can pick up the internet on the WiFi.  I do  not live near WiFi and I do have a paid contract  with the i phone, I do not with the I pod Touch.

Otherwise you can't get the internet without some sort of paid contract.

Now those of you who know, correct me. :)

May 13 is our last day of class for the 2023-2024 school year.  Ask about our Summer Reading Opportunities.


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Re: The Technophobe Reader - Technology Help
« Reply #144 on: June 13, 2011, 07:54:52 PM »
JoanK, I called the Amazon tech service yesterday, and they had me hooked up to my home wifi in about 1 minute.  Give them a call, and I'll bet they can do the same for you.  The techie also got John, our daughter, and me all hooked up to the same account - that took another five minutes.  Amazon tech service rocks!

Sheila, I have a Droid from Verizon, and really like it.  I don't do nearly as much as it is able to do, but I love being able to check my e-mail when I'm not at home (just to see if there's anything I need to deal with quickly).  I got my Kindle because of arthritis in my hands.  I had trouble holding a book, and the Kindle certainly takes care of that problem.   Also, when we travel, I don't' have to take a whole sack full of books.  ::)
"When someone you love dies, you never quite get over it.  You just learn how to go on without them. But always keep them safely tucked in your heart."


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Re: The Technophobe Reader - Technology Help
« Reply #145 on: June 13, 2011, 08:38:46 PM »
Mary, that's great that you and John and your daughter are all on the same account.  If you're reading a book, and either John or your daughter wants to read it, do they have to wait until you finish reading it, or can they read it at the same time?

Every once in a while I'll pop into some of the Kindle discussion groups on Amazon.  Just about everyone has high praise for the Kindle support people.


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Re: The Technophobe Reader - Technology Help
« Reply #146 on: June 13, 2011, 09:34:05 PM »
pedln, we can read books simultaneously.   Also, we each pay for our own books - except when we forget to look before we click.  It happens, but not often, and it all balances out.  For instance, as soon as I heard about Jean Auel's latest (and last) book, I bought it.  Then I e-mailed Kate and told her that she didn't need to buy it. 
"When someone you love dies, you never quite get over it.  You just learn how to go on without them. But always keep them safely tucked in your heart."


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Re: The Technophobe Reader - Technology Help
« Reply #147 on: June 14, 2011, 11:37:08 PM »
GINNY, thanks much for all of the information which you posted for me.  I have read it, but will be rereading it, when I am not so tired.  It is a lot to aborb.  I do appreciate, very much you taking the time to give me the information.



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Re: The Technophobe Reader - Technology Help
« Reply #148 on: June 15, 2011, 11:28:40 AM »
Regarding the I-Pad's Cameras:  The I-pad 1 did not have cameras.  The I -Pad 2 has front and back cameras for still and motion photographs.  I have not yet tried this feature on my I-pad 2, however, I note from the specifications that both are less than 1 Megapixel Resolution.  This makes them woefully inadequate for still pictures since today 10 to 14 Megapixel resolution cameras are available for between 100 and 200 dollars.  Apple claims the cameras are optimized for movie shots and true the specifications read better on this account.  I do want to try these cameras on my I-Pad as soon as I can find the time that may be a week or more, and when I do I will report more here.

Recently I was asked to print some color still pictures taken at a Chandler event that I was unable to attend.  They were literally terrible with very poor resolution and color.  Later I found out why.  They were take with the camera in a run of the mill android cell phone.  In order to make decent still pictures in my opinion at least a 2 megapixel camera is required.  The best I-Pad 2 camera is 0.9 Megapixel resolution, significantly short of decent quality.


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Re: The Technophobe Reader - Technology Help
« Reply #149 on: June 15, 2011, 04:25:10 PM »
Just marking my place.



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Re: The Technophobe Reader - Technology Help
« Reply #150 on: June 19, 2011, 07:15:54 PM »
Yesterday, I took the plunge.  Ordered an ipod touch.  Discovered that I had reward points with my bank, that I had enough points to buy it.  Whoopee!  Now, I can hardly wait for the delivery.  Thanks for the feedback.



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Re: The Technophobe Reader - Technology Help
« Reply #151 on: June 19, 2011, 09:03:54 PM »
Have you seen the History Channel's "101 most important gadgets"?

I saw it last night. It is really fun! I just wish they had taken a little more time to talk about it gadget. The most onteresting part, other than the list, was how many of them did not start out being invented for what we now popularly use them for - e.g........are you ready?.......the chain saw?......was developed for a surgeon of brain surgery to cut thru bone!

I'm talking about it here bcs the number one gadget incorporates 15 of the other gadgets ....... The smart phone!


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Re: The Technophobe Reader - Technology Help
« Reply #152 on: June 20, 2011, 09:09:47 AM »
Yeah the i phone is really hard to beat. I could use a little more memory but I've got 6 GB left on the 8 GB I got with it. Remember when we thought 1 GB was all we'd ever need? hhahaaa

Sheila, I hope you enjoy your ipodTouch, it's quite small but I love that you got it with reward points, that makes it a prize indeed.  The minute I saw Pat West with one I had to have one, and they are not cheap!

I hope you enjoy it!

May 13 is our last day of class for the 2023-2024 school year.  Ask about our Summer Reading Opportunities.


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Re: The Technophobe Reader - Technology Help
« Reply #153 on: June 20, 2011, 08:32:25 PM »
GINNY, I, too, am really happy about using reward points for my new ipodtouch.  I had never "purchased" anything with my reward points.  So, I had more than 90,000 points.  Now, I only have 50,000 +.  Guess I will be going shopping, again, one day.



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Re: The Technophobe Reader - Technology Help
« Reply #154 on: June 20, 2011, 08:33:44 PM »
Mabel, I saw the 101 most imp. gadgets and thoroughly enjoyed it.  For those of you who didn't see it; I am sure the History channel will be repeating it.  It is well worth watching.  I agreed with most of it and had many "aha" moments.


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Re: The Technophobe Reader - Technology Help
« Reply #155 on: June 21, 2011, 10:24:18 AM »
Very interesting discussion and explanations.  Ginny, just one comment about the Droid versus the iPod or iPad.  The difference is basically in the operating system that each uses.  The Droid uses the operating system developed by Google while the iPod or iPad and iPhone uses the Apple operating system.  Microsoft also has a separate operating sytem.  I think basically most of them work very similarly I loved the iPod Touch and used it for a couple of years.  I am now using an Android smart phone that does all that the Touch would do plus it is a phone and has a 5 meg camera in it. 

Just a word about the cameras.  For viewing on the computer or smart phones you don't need a really high definition photo.  However, printing is a different matter.  Also the higher the megs on the camera the larger the size of the picture. 

I am finding I really prefer to use the Nook or Kindle application on my smart phone versus the e-book reader I have.  A simple touch on the screen turns the page and I can hold it in the palm of my hand and turn the pages with one hand. 

I am glad I am living in this time of new technology and these amazing devices that are affordable and available to us.


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Re: The Technophobe Reader - Technology Help
« Reply #156 on: June 22, 2011, 09:31:55 AM »
Larry, I like reading on the i phone too, on the Kindle there,  or the i  phone (apple) books store, but I've never had a "real" Nook or Kindle (they seemed too limited to me) and I don't have an I Pad (they seem fabulous but too big).

Now on the Droid, Larry, what company do you use for a contract?  Or do you use one at all? Apple told me that  ATT does not offer a contract on the Droid, but rather only Verizon. Does Sprint (I am not sure what they offer?) have its own Droids? There are several on the market. You never hear of Sprint in association with the I Phone. The Apple connection with Verizon is relatively new (I am getting all this from the Apple technicians in the Apple store near here) and only concerns the I Phone 4, not the 3 GS which I have.

I do know (and this may not affect anybody here) that the I phone 4 which Verizon offers does not work overseas, so if anybody were planning to go on vacation overseas, you'd want another option. The technology of the 4 is also dicey  and is not fully available in all situations, tho new upgrades have taken care of the volume issue.

I had an ATT tech person tell me get a Droid, he loves the Droid, it's the latest and best thing.

But I am so grateful to have the I phone it's not even funny and I'm also glad to be living in this age where so much is possible technically to enjoy.

Am I the only person here obsessed with Angry Birds? hahahaa
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Re: The Technophobe Reader - Technology Help
« Reply #157 on: June 22, 2011, 03:18:22 PM »
Ginny, I've heard so much about Angry Birds, and always thought it was a game for little kids, but I guess not.  I've never seen it, so I really don't have a clue.

I guess it's all what you get used to, but I can't imagine reading a book on a cell phone.  But then, I've never tried it.  I love reading on the Kindle.  It's lightweight, it fits right in my hands, easy to hold, easy to turn pages.  So it's a surprise to me to hear so many say they prefer reading Kindle apps on their iphones.  They sound so small.

When it comes to searching for something, like I frequently did during the Clara and Mr T discussion, I prefer using my PC, as it's just much easier to type that to thumb away on those little Kindle buttons.


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    • Z's World
Re: The Technophobe Reader - Technology Help
« Reply #158 on: June 22, 2011, 04:12:08 PM »
pedln, I read mostly on my Kindle, but I almost always order books on the computer.  I'm definitely NOT a "thumb typist".  :D   I have read on my Droid phone, too, though, and it works just fine.
"When someone you love dies, you never quite get over it.  You just learn how to go on without them. But always keep them safely tucked in your heart."


  • Posts: 215
Re: The Technophobe Reader - Technology Help
« Reply #159 on: June 24, 2011, 09:31:51 AM »
Ginny, I do have a two year contract with AT&T and yes, they do have both iPhones and Android phones.  I think the reason I prefer reading on the Nook app is that the phone fits in the palm of my hand and is very lightweight.  I finished reading a book on it last night.