I think the keyboard of the IPAD is the biggest liability right now. The portability is such a plus, and they do make a little sort of folding case into which you slip the IPAD and type as if on a regular keyboard. Stephanie is right, but have any of you tried to actually use the large desktop monitor AS the IPAD monitor? That is, use it to see the IPAD more clearly? I know a lot of people do that with laptops, and I also want/ need that huge monitor, normally.
Once Larry gets his hands on one we'll be able to cross mountains with it.
I did see that on Dragon Dictation, Pedln! And it's not all games and toys, some of it could be life saving, like the NOAA weather radio.
I very much like the NOAA weather APP. Here if a storm comes up at 1 am, we cannot turn ON the TV or the internet, to try to find out where it is, due to the satellite knocking out. So theoretically we could have something coming at us and never know it until it's too late. However the IPAD not only has several APPs for weather, including the Weather Channel and IMAP where you can see radar for your own town, but it has NOAA weather and, if you like, NOAA weather radio live, and it always works. I have used it several times since I got it. Kind of reassuring to have it right there, and be able to hear the broadcast and SEE the radar.
Especially since here in the southeast our storms come up so suddenly often at night, and you, if the TV works, turn on the local channels and you're lucky to get one talking about the storm, or one band across the top with 2 hour old news, interrupting the 10 year old reruns. Nobody is talking about the current storm which may only be affecting your area but which may be rattling the shutters which is why you woke up in the first place. It's so good to be able to SEE something and KNOW something.
(And yes, I do know about weather radios, we do have one but you can't leave it on, unless they've made some changes in the way it broadcasts recently, because with every severe storm warning, much less a tornado watch or warning, it goes into hysteria and broadcasts every 5 seconds and you would never ever get any sleep. And you would not be able to separate the forest from the trees.)
Steph my reflexes and Temple Run are not quite in sinc hahasha However they do say these things are very good for the brain, so I keep trying.
And it IS addictive.
IPAD also has an APP for the best solitaire I have found. And I like getting my news that way. I like picking from the million and one CNN stories which I want to watch: the CNN APP allows you to do that.
Rosemary, I don't know about UK phones and the US, but if the reverse is true, our phones will work overseas with an added on international package, I don't see why yours wouldn't work here. I'd check and see what the rates are, they may be extreme. Maybe somebody else knows something better. Stephanie's idea of the disposable phone or one that runs on a card (chip inserted) set to a certain amount sounds good, I don't know which is more expensive. I think Best Buy and WalMart sell them here in the States.
Are you coming to America?!?