Author Topic: Author! Author!  (Read 353988 times)


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Re: Author! Author!
« Reply #3000 on: June 13, 2012, 04:23:22 PM »

Welcome to Author! Author!  

This is a game in which the contestants match their wits with a  challenger, who suggests a character in literature, non- fiction or fiction. The challenger may or may not provide more clues, his prerogative,, and never more than one a day.

Once a day the challenger will say if the guesses are correct or not. The winning contestant gets lots of acclaim and the chance to pose the next challenge. If he does not want to post a new challenge he can say so and whoever does can begin a new game.

Of course you could look these up on google in an instant, what challenge is that? The  idea is to rack one's brain to try to remember where this particular character appeared and who wrote about him/ her. Should be great fun.

The challenger also has the option not to mention the name of the character, but only a description.

Authors used so far:

Author, Book, Character, Challenger, Post#, winner

Anonymous, Beowulf, Beowulf, PatH, #1301
Arlen, Michael, The Green Hat, straudetwo, #2711, roshanarose
Atwood, Margaret, The Blind Assassin, Gumtree, #277
Austen, Jane, Pride and Prejudice, Mary Bennett, #158
Baden-Powell, Robert, Scouting for Boys, Frybabe, #2847, rosemarykaye
Banks, Lynn Reid, The L-Shaped Room, Jane Graham, Rosemarykaye, #1785, unguessed
Baum, L. Frank, The Wizard of Oz, Dorothy, JoanK, #342
Bennett, Alan, Uncommon Reader, Queen Elizabeth II, rosemarykaye, #1605, pedln
Blackmore, Richard, Lorna Doone, Lorna Doone, Frybabe, #462
Boswell, James, Life of Johnson, Samuel Johnson, Frybabe, #2755, PatH
Bronte, Emily, Wuthering Heights, Heathcliff, Gumtree, #252
Buchan, John, 39 steps, Richard Hannay, PatH, #396
Burns, Olive, Cold Sassy Tree, pedln, #1594, rosemarykaye
Carroll, Louis, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, Alice, JoanK, # 426
Cervantes, Don Quijote, Don Quijote, PatH, #701
Chesterton, Gilbert K., The Father Brown books, Father Brown, PatH, #2179, JoanK
Child, Julia, Mastering the Art of French Cooking, butter, PatH, #2546, pedln
Christie, Agatha, Hastings, JoanK, # 127
Christie, Agatha, Death on the Nile, Hercule Poirot, JoanK, #752
Clancy, Tom, Hunt for Red October, Frybabe, #553
Clarke, Arthur C., Rendezvous with Rama, roshanarose, #2064
Clemens, Samuel, see Twain, Mark
Coetzee, J. M., Disgrace, David Little, Straudetwo, #1336
Collins, Wilkie, The Moonstone, Rachel Verinder, PatH, #311
Connolly, John, The Book of Lost Things, roshanarose, #2746, Frybabe
Conrad, Joseph, Heart of Darkness, Marlow, Gumtree, #226
Conroy, Pat, The Great Santini, Conroy's father, JudeS #1319
Cronin, A. J., The Citadel, Andrew Manson, JudeS, #1085
Davies, Robertson, The Cunning Man, Jonathan Hullah,  straudetwo, #1382
Dickens, Charles, The Mystery of Edwin Drood, Drood, PatH, #2227, rosemarykaye, #2283, Gumtree
Dostoevsky, Fyodor, Crime and Punishment, Roskolnikov, JudeS, #1209, 1213
Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan, Study in Scarlet, Dr. Watson, PatH, #380
Dumas, Alexandre pere, The Three Musketeers, D'Artagnan, PatH, #939, 941
DuMaurier, Daphne, Rebecca, the nameless narrator, Gumtree, straudetwo and rosemarykaye, #1924
Eliot, George, Daniel Deronda, Gumtree, #190
Eliot, T. S., Old Possum’s Book of Practical Cats, Bustopher Jones, PatH, #110
Essex, Karen, Leonardo's Swans, Isabella d'Este, Mippy, #591
Faulkner, William, The Sound and the Fury, Caddy, 1429, 1439, Frybabe
Flaubert, Gustave, Madame Bovary, Frybabe, #2607, rosemarykaye
Forster, E. M., Passage to India, Frybabe, #2240, rosemarykaye
Fowles, John, The Collector, Frederick and Miranda, roshanarose, #2903, JudeS
Frankel, Bruce, What Shall I Do with the Rest of My Life? Frybabe, #2825, PatH
Galsworthy, John, The Forsyte Saga, Irene, PatH, #615,620
George, Elizabeth, Lynley and Havers, Tomereader1, #168
Gibbon, Edward, The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Zenobia, Frybabe, roshanarose, #2003, 2011
Gilbert, W. S., The Savoy Operas, Frederick, or the Pirate King, #1108, 1111, 1112
Goodall, Jane, In the Shadow of Man, Flo, JoanK, #2815, Frybabe
Goodman, Carol, The Night Villa, the slave girl, Gumtree, # 1165
Grahame, Kenneth, The Wind in the Willows, Mr. Toad, rosemarykaye, #3362, PatH
Greene, Graham, The Third Man, Holly Martins, PatH, ##1175, 1179
Grey, Zane, Riders of the Purple Sage, Frybabe, #294, 299
Hamill, Pete, Tabloid City, pedln, #2662, straudetwo
Hardy, Thomas, Far From the Madding Crowd, roshanarose, #1741, rosemarykaye
Hawthorne, Nathaniel, The Scarlet Letter, Roger Chillingsworth, Frybabe, 2368, 2373, pedln
Henry, O., Mammon and the Archer, Anthony Rockwall, Ginny  #537
Hesse, Herman, The Glass Bead Game, straudetwo, Frybabe, #1962
Hugo, Victor, Les Miserables, JoanK, # 1904, Gumtree
Hugo, Victor, Les Miserables, straudetwo, #2698, rosemarykaye
Irving, John, The World According to Garp, pedln, #2401, straudetwo
James, Henry, Washington Square, straudetwo, #981, 982
James, Henry, Wings of a Dove, Kidsal, #83
Jenkins, Peter, A Walk Across America, Frybabe, #2641, pedln
Johnston, George, My Brother Jack, Gumtree, #2311, roshanarose
Keller, Helen, The Story of my Life, Anne Sullivan, JoanK #958
Kingsolver, Barbara, The Poisonwood Bible, pedln, #2581, rosemarykaye
Kipling, Rudyard, Kim, PatH, #3023, JudeS
Knowles, John, A Separate Peace, pedln, #2560, Frybabe
Lagerlof, Selma, The Wonderful Adventures of Nils, Nils Holgersson, JudeS #899
Lahiri, Jhumpa, The Namesake, the boy, Frybabe, #4110, pedln
Lamb, Charles and Mary, Tales From Shakespeare, Macbeth, JoanK, #1301
Lampedusa, Giuseppe di, The Leopard, Don Fabrizio, Gumtree, Frybabe and straudetwo, #2031, 2032
Larson, Erik, Devil in the White City, pedln, #2226, Frybabe
LeCarre, John, Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy, Smiley, rosemarykaye, #2591, Frybabe
LeFanu, Sheridan, Carmilla, roshanarose, #769
Lessing, Doris, The Grass is Singing, straudetwo, #2432, Frybabe
Li, Cunxin, Mao's Last Dancer, Li Cunxin, Gumtree, #1713, roshanarose
Lofting, Hugh, Dr. Doolittle, Dr. Doolittle, rosemarykaye, #2875, roshanarose
Macaulay, The Towers of Trebizon, Laurie, rosemarykaye, #2494, straudetwo
Mann, Thomas,Joseph and his Brothers, JudeS, #2934, straudetwo
Maupin, Armistead, Tales of the City, rosemarykaye, #1553, pedln
McCourt, Frank, Angela's Ashes, Frank McCourt, JoanK, #1062
McCullers, Carson, Member of the Wedding, straudetwo, pedln, #1859
Melville, Herman, Moby-Dick, the whale, PatH, #482
Miller,Arthur, Death of a Salesman, Gumtree, #1005, 1006
Milton, John, Paradise Lost, Frybabe, #413
Mitford, Nancy, roshanarose, #839, 840
Murdoch, Iris, The Sea, the Sea, Charles Arrowby, straudetwo, #1197, 1198
Nabokov, Vladimir, Lolita, Lolita, JudeS, #1124
O’Brian, Patrick, Master and Commander, Jack Aubrey, JudeS, #319
Oe, Kenzaburo, The Changeling, Frybabe, #2998-9, PatH, JudeS
Orwell, George, Frybabe, #97
Ovid, Metamorphosis, Frybabe, roshanarose, #1985
Parker, Dorothy, Big Blonde, straudetwo, #2505, rosemarykaye
Pearl, Matthew, The Dante Club, pedln, #1629, deems 2
Perry, Anne, Acceptable Loss, William Monk, #3010, PatH
Peterson, Roger Tory, Field guide to the Eastern Birds, Mockingbird, JoanK #202
Potok, Chaim, The Chosen, Danny Saunders, pedln, #1890, JoanK
Potter, Beatrix, Jemima Puddleduck, rosemarykaye, #1478 pedln, #1482 deems2
Plutarch, ----, Themistocles, roshanarose, #1025, 1027
Preston, Douglas, Dinosaurs in the attic, Frybabe, #1456 rosemarykaye
Rand, Ayn, We the Living, Frybabe, #498, 502
Rowling, J. K, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Harry, PatH, #1409
Rhys, Jean, Wide Sargasso Sea, Jane Eyre, straudetwo, #1230
Sagan, Carl, Contact, Eleanor Alloway, Frybabe,#2447, PatH
Saint-Exupery, Antoine de, The Little Prince, the Prince, PatH, #2146, rosemarykaye
Saramago, Jose, Blindness, deems 2, #1652, straudetwo
Sayers, Dorothy L., The Nine Tailors, Lord Peter Wimsey, PatH, #2466, rosemarykaye
Scott, Paul, The Jewel in the Crown, Daphne Manners, rosemarykaye, #2622, Frybabe
Scott, Sir Walter, Ivanhoe, Ginny, #602
Sewall, Anna, Black Beauty, Frybabe, #1490, Gumtree
Shakespeare, William, Othello, Othello, PatH, #2353, Frybabe, #2355, rosemarykaye
Shelley, Mary, Frankenstein, the monster, PatH, #451
Smith, Alexander McCall, Mma Ramotswe, JudeS, #145
Smith, Alexander McCall, 44Scotland Street, Cyril, rosemarykaye, #1238, 1243
Spark, Muriel, The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie, Miss Brodie, Gumtree, #671, 672
Stead, Christina, The Man Who Loved Children, straudetwo, #1690, Gumtree
Steinbeck , John, Journal of a Novel, Gumtree, #53, 60
Stevenson, Robert Louis, The strange case of Dr. Jeckell and Mr. Hyde, Mr. Utterson, rosemarykaye, #2984, Frybabe
Stoker, Bram, Dracula, Jonathan Harker, JudeS, #631, 632
Stone, Irving, Depths of Glory, Camille Pisarro, Gumtree, #802
Swift, Jonathan, Gulliver's Travels, Lemuel Gulliver, PatH, #2835, Frybabe
Thompson, Morton, The Cry and the Covenant, Ignaz Semmelweiss, #2332, PatH, #2338, straudetwo
Tolkien, J. R. R., Lord of the Rings, Frodo, PatH, #238, 241
Tolstoy, Leo, War and Peace, Pierre Bezukhov, PatH, #1267
Trollope, Joanna, The Best of Friends, Sophie, Mippy, #218
Tuchman, Barbara, A Distant Mirror, Frybabe, #2117, straudetwo, #2118, PatH
Twain, Mark, Life on the Mississippi, the author, JoanK, #2192, Frybabe
Tyler, Anne, Digging to America, Maryam Yazdan,Mippy, #735
Urrea, Luis Alberto, The Hummingbird's Daughter, Saint Teresa de Cabora, Frybabe, #1835, straudetwo
Van Allsburg, The Polar Express, Santa, Frybabe, #2570, pedln
Voltaire, Candide, Candide, straudetwo, #1809, Frybabe
Vreeland, Susan, The Forest Lover, Emily Carr, Mippy, #364
Weir, Alison, Innocent Traitor, Lady Jane Gray, roshanrose, #883
Wethers, Beck, Left for Dead, Ginny, #29
Wharton, Edith, The Age of Innocence, Frybabe, rosemarykaye, #2054, Gumtree #2055
Wilde, Oscar, The Importance of Being Earnest, Lady Bracknell, #2131, rosemarykaye
Windsor, Kathleen, Forever Amber, Amber, Traude, #927, 928
Wodehouse, P. G., Bertie Wooster, PatH, #1046, 1048
Wolfe, Tom, The Right Stuff, Chuck Yeager, roshanarose, #2091 Gumtree, #209x Frybabe
Woolf, Virginia, Flush, Gumtree, #1511, 1513, rosemarykaye
Woolf, Virginia, Orlando, Orlando, PatH, #1141
Xenophon, Frybabe, #173
Zola, Emile, Germinal, Etienne Lentier, Gumtree, #1352

Only the latest heading is up to date.


PatH and JudeS you are so right. Now you have to fight over who does the next quiz.

I thought this review was a beautiful tribute to the author and book:

Wikipedia has a very interesting write up on Oe.

I understand that Mr. Oe is one of the best known and best loved writers in Japan today.

Jude, do you think one of his books would be worth nominating for a book discussion sometime in the future? I really must read at least one of his books. I feel like I am missing something otherwise.


  • Posts: 3055
Re: Author! Author!
« Reply #3001 on: June 13, 2012, 04:50:56 PM »
Oh well done!  It all meant nothing to me.  Sounds interesting, thanks for an unusual quiz.



  • BooksDL
  • Posts: 10946
Re: Author! Author!
« Reply #3002 on: June 13, 2012, 05:08:48 PM »
Too bad I was so quick.  Judy, would you like the honor, or shall we fight a duel--reference works at 20 paces?


  • Posts: 1162
Re: Author! Author!
« Reply #3003 on: June 13, 2012, 06:47:49 PM »
The two books I would recommend of Oe are "A Quiet Life" and "The Silent Cry".

The Silent Cry is a more exciting book,  but for me, I simply loved the book "A Quiet Life". That may have been influenced by the fact that it is about Oe's need to escape from Japan and live and work in Stanford which is close to where I live and so I closely followed him during that period.

Thank you so much Frybabe for making me realize that Oe is still writing and I will now get to read "The Changeling".

I will bow to you and let you choose the next author. Hope its not too hard.


  • Posts: 1162
Re: Author! Author!
« Reply #3004 on: June 22, 2012, 06:40:08 PM »
Pat has suggested that I give it a try so here goes

Born before WW2.Lived in four different countries by the age of 13

Book: A Crime novel. Takes place in 19th century.

the author has written 18 novels dealing with this character who lost part of his memory after an accident.


  • BooksDL
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Re: Author! Author!
« Reply #3005 on: June 23, 2012, 09:42:22 AM »
Thanks for doing it, Jude; I wasn't coming up with anything.  I'm not coming up with the answer to this one yet either.


  • Posts: 10016
Re: Author! Author!
« Reply #3006 on: June 23, 2012, 10:08:48 AM »
Me neither PatH.


  • Posts: 3055
Re: Author! Author!
« Reply #3007 on: June 23, 2012, 12:24:31 PM »
Nor me  ??? ;D  (or is it 'nor I'?   ??? ???)


  • Posts: 1162
Re: Author! Author!
« Reply #3008 on: June 23, 2012, 01:36:14 PM »

Author:Born before WW2 by age 13.
           Has written almost 80 books.Sold more than 10 Million.

Book:A crime novel. Takes place in 19th century.
        Came out in 2011.It is the 17th book of the 18 written specifically about this character.

Character: Detective.Author has written 18 novels with this character who lost part of his memory after an accident. 
                Character is married. Partner helps solve the horrific crimes the character deals with.


  • Posts: 1162
Re: Author! Author!
« Reply #3009 on: June 23, 2012, 01:39:59 PM »
I left out part of the first clue.
The The author was born before WW2. By age 13 had lived in four countries.


  • BooksDL
  • Posts: 10946
Re: Author! Author!
« Reply #3010 on: June 23, 2012, 04:36:06 PM »

Anne Perry

Acceptable Loss

William Monk


  • Posts: 1162
Re: Author! Author!
« Reply #3011 on: June 23, 2012, 07:32:02 PM »

Pat got it right!
Ye gads and little fishes! Are you a devotee too?

Learned a lot researching Perry.
She was born inEngland in 1938. Because she had T.B. she was sent to the Caribbean and later to South Africa. Nowhere could I find if she went on her own or whether her Mother accompanied her. When she was 13 her father (Dr. of Physics) got a job in New Zealand and she and mother followed.While there she became very close friends with an Australian girl. They
were inseperable.
When she found out that her parents were divorcing she knew she was returniing to England and wanted her friend to accompany her there. When the girl's mother refused, the two girls plotted her murder and successfully carried it out.
Both girls were adjudicated to prison "at the King's  Pleasure"( meaning that she would be released when it was felt by
Prison officials to be rehabilated).
Five years later she was released and changed her name from Juliet Hume to Anne Perry.
She had studied enough in prison to be accepted eo University which she completed. Anne did not start her writing career until age 40.
During the interim period she spent five years in the U.S.. ,mostly in L.A.
Today she lives in a small town in Scotland with four cats and a dog. She is a faithful member of the Mormon Church.

She says that her books are about grappling withquestions of sin and repentance, the price of redemption and forgiveness.

A movie was made of her crime . It was called "Heavenly Creatures" and starred a young Kate Winslett.

In  "Acceptable Losses" William Monk and his wife Hester (a former nurse with Florence Nightingale in the Crimean War) deal with the problem of Child Pornography and Pedophilia.

Perry's books are addicting, her writing superb and she always chooses situations that you may have heard about ut never understood fully. After reading her novel you are always more well informed and almost sorry that the book ended.


  • Posts: 10016
Re: Author! Author!
« Reply #3012 on: June 24, 2012, 08:19:09 AM »
Congratulations, PatH. I would never have gotten that. There are two Ann Perry's  in my TBR pile that I was given several years back. I've never read any of her works.


  • BooksDL
  • Posts: 10946
Re: Author! Author!
« Reply #3013 on: June 24, 2012, 11:21:11 AM »
Better try them, Frybabe.

Well, it looks like I can't escape my fate, just like in those Greek plays we're reading.  But thanks to the respite you gave me, Judy, I'm back on track.  I've got one, and I'll work up the clues and post it shortly.


  • BooksDL
  • Posts: 10946
Re: Author! Author!
« Reply #3014 on: June 24, 2012, 01:55:09 PM »
OK, here goes.

Author: I wrote novels, short stories, poems, science fiction, fantasy, and horror.

Book: You've all heard of this one.

Character: I'm not the protagonist, but am crucial to the story.


  • BooksDL
  • Posts: 8685
Re: Author! Author!
« Reply #3015 on: June 24, 2012, 03:21:01 PM »
I feel dumb. I've read all of Anne Perry's books, and never thought of her once!


  • Posts: 10016
Re: Author! Author!
« Reply #3016 on: June 24, 2012, 05:16:36 PM »
I have someone in mind, but not a book. Think I will wait for another clue.


  • BooksDL
  • Posts: 10946
Re: Author! Author!
« Reply #3017 on: June 24, 2012, 06:44:31 PM »
Frybabe, if you have the right author you can probably guess the book.


  • Posts: 10016
Re: Author! Author!
« Reply #3018 on: June 25, 2012, 08:10:37 AM »
I was thinking of Ray Bradbury. I was thinking of someone else last night, too, but I forget who unless it was Edgar Allan Poe. I don't think Poe fits as well authorwise. I don't think he did fantasy. As far as Bradbury is concerned, the novels I know him best by are The Martian Chronicles and Fahrenheit 451. Another very popular one was Dandelion Wine which I haven't read and don't know anything about.


  • BooksDL
  • Posts: 10946
Re: Author! Author!
« Reply #3019 on: June 25, 2012, 08:52:30 AM »
Those are clever guesses, but wrong, so you'll have to wait for the next clue after all.  You might not have read this author's sci-fi--it's not well-known.


  • Posts: 1162
Re: Author! Author!
« Reply #3020 on: June 25, 2012, 01:47:51 PM »
The author may be Stephen King but not having read his books (Just saw the movies) that doesn't help much.


  • BooksDL
  • Posts: 10946
Re: Author! Author!
« Reply #3021 on: June 25, 2012, 01:51:40 PM »
The author is best known for works, including this one, which are not sci-fi, fantasy or horror.


  • BooksDL
  • Posts: 10946
Re: Author! Author!
« Reply #3022 on: June 25, 2012, 06:40:44 PM »
New clues:

I wrote novels, short stories, poems, science fiction, fantasy, and horror.
Part of my childhood was very unhappy.

You've all heard of this one.
Has picaresque qualities.

I'm not the protagonist, but am crucial to the story.
I am a spiritual mentor to the protagonist.


  • Posts: 1162
Re: Author! Author!
« Reply #3023 on: June 25, 2012, 11:58:46 PM »
Could this be "Kim" by Rudyard Kipling?
The character might be the Tibetan Monk who mentored Kim.

The only loophole is the fact that I don't know of any Sci-fi Kipling wrote.

Kipling had an extremely difficult childhood.


  • BooksDL
  • Posts: 10946
Re: Author! Author!
« Reply #3024 on: June 26, 2012, 12:49:43 AM »

Yes, it could indeed be Kim, and the lama.   Kipling did write some sci-fi short stories.  They're not very good--I doubt they're reprinted much--but they are genuine sci-fi.  I mentioned them to keep things from being too easy.  He wrote some good horror and fantasy short stories, though.  Except for his first few years in India, Kipling's childhood was pretty awful.

Good job, Jude.


  • Posts: 10016
Re: Author! Author!
« Reply #3025 on: June 26, 2012, 07:36:26 AM »
Great catch JudeS. Congratulations. I didn't know Kipling did horror. I knew about the SciFi, though.


  • BooksDL
  • Posts: 8685
Re: Author! Author!
« Reply #3026 on: June 26, 2012, 03:06:45 PM »


  • BooksDL
  • Posts: 10946
Re: Author! Author!
« Reply #3027 on: July 09, 2012, 09:03:38 AM »
Judy, do you want your turn?


  • Posts: 10016
Re: Author! Author!
« Reply #3028 on: July 31, 2012, 10:18:14 PM »
I think Jude may have forgotten us here. At any rate she is off on a trip for the next week, so if no one minds I will put something up tomorrow.


  • BooksDL
  • Posts: 10946
Re: Author! Author!
« Reply #3029 on: August 01, 2012, 10:07:40 AM »
That would be super, Frybabe.


  • Posts: 10016
Re: Author! Author!
« Reply #3030 on: August 01, 2012, 01:35:26 PM »
Okay, here goes!

Author: The author showed an early interest in zoology.

Book: Non-fiction. Anthology of reports and speeches dealing with early migration.


  • BooksDL
  • Posts: 10946
Re: Author! Author!
« Reply #3031 on: August 01, 2012, 04:13:49 PM »
Goodness!  I feel like I ought to know it.


  • Posts: 10016
Re: Author! Author!
« Reply #3032 on: August 02, 2012, 02:45:50 PM »
Time for another set of clues

Author: The author showed an early interest in zoology.
             Sponsored by his professors, the author's first major project was to study local animals on remote Pacific Islands to find out how they got there.

Book: Non-fiction. Anthology of reports and speeches dealing with early migration.
           The opening chapter begins with ancient boatbuilding and early navigation with emphasis on the Middle East.


  • BooksDL
  • Posts: 10946
Re: Author! Author!
« Reply #3033 on: August 02, 2012, 06:50:35 PM »
This is intriguing.  So far, I've thought of Charles Darwin and Thor Heyerdahl, but neither fits everything.  ???


  • Posts: 10016
Re: Author! Author!
« Reply #3034 on: August 02, 2012, 06:58:09 PM »
Are you sure, PatH? This not the author's most famous book.


  • BooksDL
  • Posts: 10946
Re: Author! Author!
« Reply #3035 on: August 02, 2012, 07:30:03 PM »
OK, it's Heyerdahl--Darwin wasn't interested in seafaring per se, and Heyerdahl did have a project as you described (I looked that up)  but I'm not sure what book it would be.


  • Posts: 1597
  • Massachusetts
Re: Author! Author!
« Reply #3036 on: August 03, 2012, 11:54:11 AM »
What a relief to see this folder active again ! 

Frybabe, is early migration a key in solving this puzzle ?
Could we please have another clue or two ?


  • BooksDL
  • Posts: 10946
Re: Author! Author!
« Reply #3037 on: August 03, 2012, 12:59:58 PM »
What a relief to see you active again, Traude.  I've missed you.


  • Posts: 10016
Re: Author! Author!
« Reply #3038 on: August 03, 2012, 01:28:40 PM »
Hi Traude, missed you.

PatH has the author, now for the book.

Book: Non-fiction. Anthology of reports and speeches dealing with early migration.
           The opening chapter begins with ancient boatbuilding and early navigation with emphasis on the Middle East.

           The key here is that it is not one of his famous books describing his Ra and Kon-Tiki expeditions. This book is a anthology of his scientific reports and lectures (combined and edited for easier reading, so says the preface) that support his theories regarding very early transoceanic migrations, some of which contradicted then current thinking.


  • Posts: 1597
  • Massachusetts
Re: Author! Author!
« Reply #3039 on: August 04, 2012, 12:47:50 AM »
Frybabe and PatH,   thank you.  I'm so very happy to  bebe back.  Will explain  tomorrow.

Oh yes,Thor Heyerdahl!  Good for you, Pat.   Alas, I did not think of him at all.  But I read the book, in German,  years before coming to this country, and with great enthusiasm.. Its title is  is Kon-Tiki.