Jean, ALL of the libraries in Philadelphia. Holy Samolies. I can’t imagine such a thing happening. One would hope such a happening would bring forth all kinds of marches and protests, but unfortunately, that probably won’t happen.
When I started reading the beginning of this thread yesterday I realized how little this school librarian knew about our local city library budget, governance, etc, and so sent off an email to our very with-it and successful library director. I have not yet heard from her. But here we have a defined library tax which is included in the property tax. I think, but don’t know for sure, that this is the library’s budget, and that it can’t be taken away from it. A few years ago we needed a major overhaul of the current building (we have no branches) and a very strong effort was mounted to DOUBLE the library tax. The voters passed it -- .31 per $100 assessed valuation and a few months ago a newly renovated state of the art library was opened, I think, to the tune of $8 million. It was the first library tax increase in 30 years. You will hear some gripers, but I think on the whole people are pleased with and proud of what they have. Yes, there are lots of computers and the whole library is wi-fied. The users are tax-paying citizens getting their information. A lot of emphasis on services to children with three focused areas – little kids, middle kids, and teenagers.
Now, it’s not free for everyone in town because in the 1960’s the state legislature froze library districts, so those folks in the newer city limits, but outside the library boundaries must either use the regional library in a nearby town or else pay $65 per year for a family membership. A pretty good bargain, I’d say.