Author Topic: Talking Heads - Healthcare Reform  (Read 101140 times)


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Re: Talking Heads - Healthcare Reform
« Reply #600 on: January 22, 2010, 07:47:15 PM »
Bellemere, One of the things you listed is a problem, I think:
the requirement that everyone have insurance. Rather than fine people, I think (leaving children out, because I think parents MUST have their children insured) that the penalty/limited enrollment that is used in Medicare would be more appropriate. There are people who don't sign up for Part B because they are healthy and don't want to pay the premium. Later, when they decide that "hey, I'm sick, I need insurance" they are (unless very low income) limited to enrolling to January-March of every year, with coverage starting July l, and they pay a penalty for late enrollment. Similar rules apply to Part D. And for Medicare supplements - if you miss the initial enrollment period, then a person is subject to waiting periods. I think that type of regulation would be more acceptable to people that the concept of a fine.

As for much of the other, I believe that as long as insurance companies are primary in our health care system, there will be unnecessary costs and there will be uninsured and underinsured people. It's one thing to deny someone insurance who remained total uncovered until they got sick. It's another to deny someone who has remained covered through employment and COBRA and is looking for individual coverage but has a medical condition--that's unfair. 

A tax on "Cadillac" plans seems reasonable to me - for years we had employer-paid coverage on which we paid no income taxes, while others who had to pay for their own insurance because their employer did not provide it had to pay their premiums out of after-tax dollars, and could only deduct a percentage of the premiums off their income tax. So basically what we had was $14,000 in extra, non-taxed income.

I think the cuts to Medicare Advantage Plans are reasonable. It's unfair for others in Medicare to pay higher premiums so that these plans can get a subsidy. Other reductions in Medicare, if they prove too damaging, will be corrected rapidly - the Medicare population is growing every year and their voice will be heard. I also believe we all need to do our part to stop fraud and abuse.

But, who knows.


  • Posts: 862
Re: Talking Heads - Healthcare Reform
« Reply #601 on: January 22, 2010, 08:14:30 PM »
Good point about fraud and abuse.  isn't the bulk of fraud the overbilling by providers?  It is hard to see how patients can do much about that. 
I think the mandate is fair, as we must all carry car insurance if we want to drive.  With everyone paying , the healthy balance out the claims of the people who get sick.  And the uninsured must still be cared for by the system, which passes on the costs to people paying premiums. 
I can't believe people are worried about the deficit.  The cost of the Iraq war, a totally misguided effort, was never complained about.  and foregone revenue adds to the deficit, as in tax cuts for the very wealthy.  Nobody seems to complain about that.
I really believe the anger is very, very complex, reflecting a fear of the new international conditions we can't control and also anger at the "elite" or educated people in the governemt.  I don't know how to get beyone that.  We can't turn government over to uneducated people, no matter how well meaning they may be.


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Re: Talking Heads - Healthcare Reform
« Reply #602 on: January 23, 2010, 06:37:01 AM »
The Medicare Advantage program irks me. I have plain Medicare and dont really understand why I should be paying others bills.. I do vote and always will.. A treasure of ours to always be fulfilled.
Stephanie and assorted corgi


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Re: Talking Heads - Healthcare Reform
« Reply #603 on: January 23, 2010, 10:42:34 AM »
Bellemere, yes, most fraud is by providers, as far as I know. I think the important thing is to be aware of our own accounts, which for those of us with computers will become easier. But most people don't really know what is charged against their Medicare number unless they get a bill from a provider, because Medicare only sends statements quarterly, and those are not necessarily complete.

Most states have a Medicare and Medicaid fraud program where people can report claims of fraud.


  • Posts: 7952
Re: Talking Heads - Healthcare Reform
« Reply #604 on: January 24, 2010, 06:30:49 AM »
I got the darndest bill yesterday. It seems to be from the EMT service. They were the rescue crew and heliocoptered us from where the accident was to Orlando. I get a bill that has been turned down for an ambulance. Since I know for sure no ambulance was used and they already billed 16,000.00 for the helio.. I will call Monday and see what the heck is going on.. By the way we did not buy the helio.. just took a 20 minutes ride to the trauma ward..
Stephanie and assorted corgi


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Re: Talking Heads - Healthcare Reform
« Reply #605 on: January 24, 2010, 11:01:51 AM »
MY GOSH, Steph!  $16000 for a helicopter ride!  I never paid as much but mine was as a tourist.   :o  Does Medicare cover that?  

We have a friend who fell off a river raft and broke his leg.  He was rescued by the EMT's who sent a whopping bill for it.  And, it was not covered by his insurance.

I wonder if the owner of that dog who was rescued yesterday in the LA river has not identified himself for fear of being sent a helio bill?   :o
"No distance of place or lapse of time can lessen the friendship of those who are thoroughly persuaded of each other's worth." Robert Southey


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Re: Talking Heads - Healthcare Reform
« Reply #606 on: January 25, 2010, 06:36:51 AM »
I was told by someone who used to work at the hospital, that if we had not had insurance the bill for the helio would have been around 1000.00 Can anyone pronounce goudging??
Stephanie and assorted corgi


  • Posts: 862
Re: Talking Heads - Healthcare Reform
« Reply #607 on: January 25, 2010, 08:59:32 AM »
    Is it any wonder that Medicare is going broke?  :(


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Re: Talking Heads - Healthcare Reform
« Reply #608 on: January 25, 2010, 12:04:28 PM »
Bellemere, Medicare wouldn't pay that amount for the ambulance. And in this case, they probably won't pay at all because other insurance should.


  • Posts: 862
Re: Talking Heads - Healthcare Reform
« Reply #609 on: January 25, 2010, 08:01:18 PM »
one of the proposed  restricitions on insurance companies in both bills is the prohibition against denying coverage to children with pre-existing conditions.  The insurance companies can live with that IF there is a mandate requiring everyone to have insurance.  that will give them enough premium income to cover the claims.  Uninsured people who get sick will always be cared for.  there has to be some real incentive for them to buy health insurance. 
One of my granddaughters was born with a bit of hip dysplasia; had to wear that bar between her feet for a few months.  The insurnce company said that henceforth she would not be covered , for any hip problems.  Her father is a doctor and her mother a nurse; their insurance was through the national nurses' association.


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Re: Talking Heads - Healthcare Reform
« Reply #610 on: January 25, 2010, 10:15:16 PM »
One of the reason Medicare works is because there are no such restrictions when a person becomes eligible. That's why, sad to say, many people can't wait to turn 65, because they finally will get insurance that covers them, and usually at a price they can afford.


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Re: Talking Heads - Healthcare Reform
« Reply #611 on: January 26, 2010, 06:31:10 AM »
Was told by a most unpleasant person who worked for the EMT company, that they only write ambulance, they meant the care my husband received while waiting for the heliocopter. I told her they might want to be sure of the code and and then resubmit to the insurance company. She decided she wanted a death certificate, since I could be lying. I was really really annoyed, but I sent her a copy. Want to bet that I get another bill in the next few days, since she was intent that I should pay her and I simply wont..
Stephanie and assorted corgi


  • Posts: 6732
Re: Talking Heads - Healthcare Reform
« Reply #612 on: January 26, 2010, 09:06:09 AM »
 I don't really understand why the fact of the patient's later death has
anything to do with the service rendered by the EMT, BELLE.  That
service was what it was; later events don't change it.  I'm glad you
suggested she re-check the services codes.  Those can be tricky, and
it does sound to me as though the person you talked to might not be
all that knowledgeable.
"I go to books and to nature as a bee goes to the flower, for a nectar that I can make into my own honey."  John Burroughs


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Re: Talking Heads - Healthcare Reform
« Reply #613 on: January 26, 2010, 12:53:06 PM »
Not knowledgeable and not very tactful.  Did she even express any sympathy for your loss and your own injuries?


  • Posts: 7952
Re: Talking Heads - Healthcare Reform
« Reply #614 on: January 27, 2010, 06:28:22 AM »
Absolutely not a word of anything other than noone tells them if people die.. It doesnt make a difference to medicare, but Geico has paid an attorney to open a probate and that makes the bills payable from the Estate of >>>>>. I was trying to show her that she needed to readdress the whole bill.. Ah well.. she will not get paid one minute faster with this sort of nonsense and one more letter like the last one and I get in touch with the tv reporters, the newspaper fix it guy and anyone else I can find. I am truly tired of being a victim with this.
Stephanie and assorted corgi


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Re: Talking Heads - Healthcare Reform
« Reply #615 on: January 27, 2010, 06:46:24 AM »
Steph, that might be a good idea - getting in touch with one of the TV consumer reporters.  Have him/her follow you through this process of dealing with the various providers and insurance companies in a situation like yours.  If you could handle the exposure, it might make for a very good series.  And it would help you get through all the hassle you're going through and help somebody else, too.
"When someone you love dies, you never quite get over it.  You just learn how to go on without them. But always keep them safely tucked in your heart."


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Re: Talking Heads - Healthcare Reform
« Reply #616 on: January 28, 2010, 06:33:47 AM »
I agree, but am not quite sure I could manage to make it through. Some days it is all I can do to get up , etc and if I did not have the dogs to feed, walk, etc, not sure how my days would go.
Stephanie and assorted corgi


  • Posts: 6732
Re: Talking Heads - Healthcare Reform
« Reply #617 on: January 28, 2010, 08:28:09 AM »
 It's wonderful, isn't it, how simply being needed can help keep us steady.
Commitments, responsibilities....they may seem a burden, but they can
really be a blessing.
"I go to books and to nature as a bee goes to the flower, for a nectar that I can make into my own honey."  John Burroughs


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Re: Talking Heads - Healthcare Reform
« Reply #618 on: January 28, 2010, 09:43:01 AM »
I understand, Steph - and my heart goes out to you.
"When someone you love dies, you never quite get over it.  You just learn how to go on without them. But always keep them safely tucked in your heart."


  • Posts: 7952
Re: Talking Heads - Healthcare Reform
« Reply #619 on: January 29, 2010, 06:16:48 AM »
Amazing, my corgi-l which deals in our much loved dogs has several widows. One of them decided to start a Corgi-wives becoming widows group and the response has been overwhelming. There are a lot of us, all with different stories to tell and a need to tell them..
Stephanie and assorted corgi


  • Posts: 6732
Re: Talking Heads - Healthcare Reform
« Reply #620 on: January 29, 2010, 08:38:21 AM »
 An intriguing group choice, ...widows with corgis.  A group like that can
be a great help, if it is disciplined enough that all those who need to talk
will also be ready to listen.  For some, I think the need to talk is so great that for a while they cannot listen to others.
  On the other hand, I have met people who are always like that.  ;D
"I go to books and to nature as a bee goes to the flower, for a nectar that I can make into my own honey."  John Burroughs


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Re: Talking Heads - Healthcare Reform
« Reply #621 on: January 29, 2010, 09:52:50 AM »
Silly question:  Is corgi the plural and if so , what is the singular? corgus or corga? ;)


  • Posts: 7952
Re: Talking Heads - Healthcare Reform
« Reply #622 on: January 30, 2010, 06:35:09 AM »
Corgi is singular.. Corgwyn is the welsh for several.. But in the states, they generally just use corgi to indicate any and all. I have two,, surprisingly in our group, it is common to have at least two and many have three and four.
So far we are telling our stories and now progressing into things that helped. Books that some of us liked.. For me it is a journal that I am keeping on my grief and now progress. Helps to write down the frustration for me.
Stephanie and assorted corgi


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Re: Talking Heads - Healthcare Reform
« Reply #623 on: January 30, 2010, 08:46:59 AM »
That sounds like a wonderful support system for you, Steph.
"When someone you love dies, you never quite get over it.  You just learn how to go on without them. But always keep them safely tucked in your heart."


  • Posts: 6732
Re: Talking Heads - Healthcare Reform
« Reply #624 on: January 31, 2010, 09:50:44 AM »
 The journal sounds like a good outlet, too.  I've always found I can
express my thoughts more clearly by writing than by impromptu
speaking.  (Less chance of mis-speaking, too.  :-\)
"I go to books and to nature as a bee goes to the flower, for a nectar that I can make into my own honey."  John Burroughs


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Re: Talking Heads - Healthcare Reform
« Reply #625 on: January 31, 2010, 11:28:28 AM »
You have hit on the point of why this forum is so different than most forums.  One can write what one thinks and then maybe reread and change it at will.  I have always thought that our way of using posts instead of threads or strings plus our ability for thinking over anything we post has made us more aware of good manners and sometimes, deeper thought.
"No distance of place or lapse of time can lessen the friendship of those who are thoroughly persuaded of each other's worth." Robert Southey


  • Posts: 862
Re: Talking Heads - Healthcare Reform
« Reply #626 on: January 31, 2010, 07:32:59 PM »
My deepest thought today is that the President is giving up on health care reform in favour of job creation.  That makes sense, but I feel bad for all the people who now will have to wait even longer to get affordable health care.  I hope the obstructionists don't take a vow to block anything he wants to do about creating jobs. 
I went to the urologist for a checkiup and prescription refill and she said, she was going to code it as a nurse visit because I am doing well and she didn't have to deal with anything.  How many doctors would do that?  To the detriment of their own income? I like this doctor for the way she treats me and now for her honesty and concern for health care costs.


  • Posts: 7952
Re: Talking Heads - Healthcare Reform
« Reply #627 on: February 01, 2010, 06:25:24 AM »
What a nice and thoughtful doctor. Very unusual, you are lucky indeed.
Stephanie and assorted corgi


  • Posts: 984
Re: Talking Heads - Healthcare Reform
« Reply #628 on: February 01, 2010, 08:02:41 AM »
My thought is that much of new job creation comes from small businesses, and unless we have affordable health care for those owners of the small businesses, for themselves first and then for employees, then they cannot make enough money to hire more people to expand their businesses and people can't afford to work for them.

We have such short-sighted people in Congress.


  • Posts: 862
Re: Talking Heads - Healthcare Reform
« Reply #629 on: February 01, 2010, 09:01:48 AM »
Absolutely right.  But as we have seen here in Massachusetts, unless there is amandate that everyone buy insurance, young healthy people won't buy it, even if the small business they work for offers it.  Thy would rather take their chances with emergency care, and , of course, parents who will jump in if necessary.


  • Posts: 6732
Re: Talking Heads - Healthcare Reform
« Reply #630 on: February 01, 2010, 09:19:53 AM »
I have always thought that our way of using posts instead of threads or strings plus our ability for thinking over anything we post has
 made us more aware of good manners and sometimes, deeper thought.
  I believe you're right, ANNIE, and a very good thing it is. I've rarely
tried to enter a 'thread', or 'string', and found it most unsatisfactory.
Here, we really get to know one another and appreciate their opinions.
"I go to books and to nature as a bee goes to the flower, for a nectar that I can make into my own honey."  John Burroughs


  • Posts: 984
Re: Talking Heads - Healthcare Reform
« Reply #631 on: February 01, 2010, 04:21:30 PM »
I understand there are some states where there are laws proposed to forbid making insurance mandatory. I shake my head sometimes at the way the political parties play games.


  • Posts: 7952
Re: Talking Heads - Healthcare Reform
« Reply #632 on: February 02, 2010, 06:12:35 AM »
I agree. In Florida we are getting ready for a governors race and of course.. one of the candidates for nomination has decided he will sue the government if they pass the health bill.. Of course he has never done anything but run for office and gets his insurance from the state, but thats ok.. he has his, why should he care about anyone else.
Stephanie and assorted corgi


  • Posts: 862
Re: Talking Heads - Healthcare Reform
« Reply #633 on: February 02, 2010, 07:42:20 PM »
Perhaps the " reconciliation" route is the right one.  If this health plan does not get passed, nothing will be done for another generation.  so many good things in it, incentives for more efficient, better care, restrictions on denials for pre existing conditons, etc. that will never see the light of day again.  to some, reconciliation will seem like " stong arm " tactics.  But in the face of avowed oppostion to anything proposed by the Obama administration, anything legal shoule be considered fair play. Any bill can be passed with a simple majority if it "has significant impact on the budgetary situation of the governent" (or words to that effect) and this surely applies to health care reform.


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Re: Talking Heads - Healthcare Reform
« Reply #634 on: February 03, 2010, 06:53:56 AM »
This HCR bill has too much impact on the US budget and much more on my budget.  I don't think its well thought out nor that it will improve the situation we have now.  This bill needs to reviewed and rewritten.  Talk about scare tactics!  We need to do it right, not halfway!  And where is our copy? NO TRANSPARENCY HERE!!  I want to read of all the good OR bad things in it before its voted on.  Surely we have that right.  With the technology we have today, there is no reason for this not to be on  .gov!

Did anyone else receive this in mail??
"No distance of place or lapse of time can lessen the friendship of those who are thoroughly persuaded of each other's worth." Robert Southey


  • Posts: 862
Re: Talking Heads - Healthcare Reform
« Reply #635 on: February 03, 2010, 09:29:05 AM »
There are copies of the bill over the web. has one with provision for comments.  I found it hard to read, I am not knowledgeable about some of the terms used.  But there are impartial interpretations of the various measures too. I stess impartial: there area still types talking about death panels and communism.
The oppostion has no interest in "rewriting" a health care reform bill.  they are only  interested in a political victory and a defeat for the President.
I just don't know why I get so upset about this>  Continuing the status quo won't affect me except in steadily rising premiums for my Medicare supplement. It is my grand children and children who will have the tough time.


  • Posts: 984
Re: Talking Heads - Healthcare Reform
« Reply #636 on: February 03, 2010, 08:02:14 PM »
I agree, Bellemere, it our children and grandchildren who will suffer the most if health care reform is not passes. Too many people cannot get health coverage, or lose it when they lose their jobs or move or divorce, etc. We are selfish if we think only of ourselves. Besides, that statement "if you're happy with your current coverage, you don't have to change" is ignorant. No one's health insurance will stay the same if nothing is done to reform health care - it will cost more and more and cover less and less. For all of us.

I wish the current bills made much more change and improvement than they do, however. I fear they are too timid and too protective of the insurance industry.


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Re: Talking Heads - Healthcare Reform
« Reply #637 on: February 03, 2010, 08:08:02 PM »
Adoannie, if you want to look at some information about the bills, try the Kaiser Family Foundation site:
I think they even have a site that compares the current bills:

And there is a poll that is interesting:


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Re: Talking Heads - Healthcare Reform
« Reply #638 on: February 03, 2010, 08:18:51 PM »
Thanks for the links, Belle and nlhome.  I will spend some time reading some of these.

Did either of you read the link that I put here which is the drs' of America suggested bill??  Very interesting and didn't 2000 pages to write.
"No distance of place or lapse of time can lessen the friendship of those who are thoroughly persuaded of each other's worth." Robert Southey


  • Posts: 862
Re: Talking Heads - Healthcare Reform
« Reply #639 on: February 04, 2010, 11:14:32 AM »
annie for some reason my quirky computer could not open your link about a bill propsed by doctors.  Could you summarize it for us?