This is a total change of subject. In the literary game "Author, Author", I had occasion to review the recent movie of "Beowulf", so I thought I might as well post it here.
A very high-tech movie was made of Beowulf three years ago. Although they shot most of the scenes live, they then digitalized the actors, which had the effect of making their faces look waxy and blunting the expression (if any) of their acting. There were also some unfortunate plot choices. The mother of the marauder Grendel is Angelina Jolie, dressed in nothing but gold paint and high heels. She looks pretty good, but hardly the "monstrous hag" whose blood melts the blade of Beowulf's sword as he slays her. A couple of times, for a moment or two, quality wins out, and you get the feel of the poem, but it doesn't last. But if you just want a flashy action flick, it's OK.
When I looked up the date of this movie in IMDB, I learned that there is a 1999 sci-fi movie, a post-apocalyptic retelling of the story. This I've got to see. It's in my queue.