Jean, I'll bet there are a lot of books that give birth to movie rumors. A Mary Higgins Clark (and daughter) film ought to be good. I've read some of MHC, but not daughter. Did not know there was a film in the making.
Earlier this year there was something about
The Lovely Bones coming out in film -- I think Bookmarks mentioned it. But I have not heard anything since.
What I'm really waiting for is the supposedly forthcoming production of Erik Larson's
The Devil in White City -- about the 1893 Chicago Exposition and the serial murders that occurred at the same time.
Does anybody know?
One film, long anticipated (by some, a few
) that is now on reel is Elmore Leonard's
Killshot. I'm not a Leonard fan, but my f2f group read it a few years back because parts of the proposed film were to be shot in Cape Girardeau. There was much hoopla here, of course, when Hollywood came to town, but then everything came to a halt. Now supposedly someone has a tape of it or can get it, and the f2f group is going to view it at her house in December. We shall see. While reading the book, my group was quite impressed with the research Leonard had put into the town, especially the use of barges on the Mississippi.