Ok, I HAVE a mystery. Can any of you solve it? I am hoping so, mainly because it was someone in here who suggested the book in question to me in the First place!
I keep a Wish List on the Barnes & Noble website. Between Mothers Day and my birthday, I received $250 worth of B&N gift certificates (I have a very large family, and they all know I love these), so I set to work ordering from that list yesterday. After placing the order, and before checking it out via their confirmation, I went in and deleted like mad from the Wish List. THEN I checked. And lo, my old clogged up and rusty memory wiring failed me once again, and I deleted a book I thought I had just ordered, but I had not. Which illustrates why I cannot exist without calendars and lists these days!
That same leaky, creaky memory machinery refuses to allow me to remember much about the name and author of the book, and I have exhausted every type of search I can think of. HELP!
This is the thing; as I say, one or more of you recommended it. Some time ago, when we had a much more active bunch in here. It is the first book in a series by a fairly new author. A woman author and a woman sleuth (detective? policewoman? busybody?) The title was somebody's EYE. I think. Like Lola's Eye or Lois's Eye or Lulu's Eye? Anyone got a clue?