Michael Chrichton's Timeline is a suspenseful tale of the academia/high tech business world interface with a unique twist. At a dig in the Dordogne region the crew is astounded when they break into an empty room and find one bifocal lens. Later, in a stack of parchment documents redcovered in conjunction with the lens, they discover a message written in English, in handwriting identical to their leader's, which says: "Help Me". Analysis of the ink, consistent with that on the other documents, dates it to 1369! This may remind us of other stories about high tech and historical investigation. Doomsday Book comes to mind. How very different the approach is. Chrichton has a reputation as an adventure writer and his books are full of action and its actors. Willis' feminine viewpoint creates a broader, character based vehicle to advance the story. Timeline would make a good movie. Doomsday is too rich, too complex to be reduced to the screen, it requires the infinite immensity of one's imagination to bring it to life.