I see this is the new norm, this second guessing what I want to read. It does feel like stalking though

. I wonder how long before my TV starts tailoring my ads and programmes?
I'm currently reading everything by Canadian author Susanna Kearsley. I love romantic ,historical fiction. Sophia's Secret is my favourite aka The Winter Sea in America. Set in a castle on a rugged Scottish coast, with a love story and a Jacobite rebellion thrown in, I couldn't put it down. Apparently all her historic references are totally correct, woven through the story.
I really like it that there aren't any graphic sex scenes--love, tenderness, warmth, but the bedroom door is shut, and nothing is lost from her books or their stories. In fact, I think it makes the love story better.
I hate the rise of these internet trolls who are all pervasive now. I can't believe that people can be so vile. Death threats for sharing your opinion, or God forbid, being over 50 or 60. An elderly man here was severely bashed by a couple of young thugs after leaving a pub, because , in their opinion, he was 'too old to be in that pub'
I've never gone along with the 'bring back National Service' brigade, but now, maybe...?