Barbara, I hope your toes will be better soon! Nothing like a broken toe, is there? I'm sorry. My last one came about as I unwisely kept saying to self, "you never forget," as I got on one of my sons's boy's bicycles in the barn and started out. What a feeling of freedom! What joy the wind in ones hair! I had forgotten a lot of this and yes I could ride.
But what happens when you stop? I hadn't considered that as even worthy of contemplation. Stop the bike? Nothing to it. You put on the brake and gracefully put down your foot, right? One forgets that bar that men's bicycles have and this was one of those old timey giant off the ground man's Schwinn, 27" was it? I don't know what the sizing for bicycles is supposed to be but my feet suddenly don't touch the ground, or get anywhere near it. And when the brake was applied there went the toe. Looong way down there. Didn't I used to be tall?
I was going to a conference the next week in Philadelphia. That was an experience I will never forget. ! I had to walk several blocks carrying our Latin Courses exhibit for the Conference, for starters and thru an airport to meet our other Latin teacher Barbara, and boy that was a big airport and a LOT of blocks on the city streets. Haven't been back on a bike since.
I started reading Orange is the New Black this morning and I don't know why. I had heard a lot about the TV show and wasn't interested, but for some reason I had heard more about the book so looked it up.
I was caught up immediately by the writing and the first scene, the bag which does not come off the carousel at the airport. We all know that feeling. The young woman is worried because she's got money smuggled in it. And tho I am not a drug runner or money launderer, I do understand this feeling because I just experienced it myself, coming back from my trip this summer with my bag of (what I thought/ feared/ apparently fantasized) was illegal rocks. I know now that's not the case, but at the time I thought I was in danger of having committed a heinous crime.
So I can totally relate to what the girl is saying about her smuggled bag, albeit for a different reason, and really so far am caught up in it. It's very well written. I am sure it becomes distasteful and I am sure it's not to everybody's taste but so far it's a winner. I'll report more when I'm a couple of chapters into it.
Anybody else here read it? It's sort of a Martha Stewart Goes to Prison type book apparently, well heeled Smith Alumna with everything apparently on earth going for her (her name is Piper), somehow (we'll find that out) ends up bringing in illegal money. Starts very intriguingly and is very well written.