Seventeen members of my family (I have a large one) got together and gave me an iPad Two for Christmas 2011. I thought I did not need or want one, but hey, it's loverly!
Skypeing on your desktop computer is "Facetime" on an iPad. It is a visual phone call, is what it is! I can talk to and watch my great grandchildren at the same time they can talk to and see me. My daughter Becky in Missouri calls me this way just so I can see her latest outfit or haircut. Fun! It is that see & talk telephoning we anticipated when we were younger!
The iPad has incredible cameras, and you can take videos (yes, with sound) or still photos. I can take a photo quickly of, say, an arrangement of flowers that have just been delivered, and it immediately goes into my "PHOTOS" file (I do not have to put it there; it is preprogrammed to be there) and I can go into Photos and click on it and click on the arrow to email it and write out a thank you on the email and send both photo and thank you note to the person who sent me the flowers in less time than you can fix yourself a cup of tea!
And you can have all of your favorite tunes or songs or hymns or opera or ANY type of music on it, there is a newsrack for all of your favorite magazines and newspapers (they are all available to you), which you can start in reading instantly anywhere, and a bookcase with any books you choose to buy sitting in it waiting for you to click on them and bingo, they spread out on the screen for you just where you left off reading! You can play games, do jig saw puzzles, paint pictures, and, of course, go on line or email. It has a complete address book and that book is interactive with everything else. So if I am reading, say, The Washington Post or Newsweek on my iPad and I think of a friend or family member and think they would like the article, I can click on the arrow and my address book comes up and I can click on that person's name and automatically the iPad takes over and sends the article to that person with an automatic message from me saying I thought they might like this article from _________ and that this is being sent from my iPad. Oh, I could go on and on for ever so much longer than it takes to do all of these wonderful things. An iPad in a doctor's waiting room or a coffee shop is a godsend! Or when you go overnight somewhere; you have all your stuff right there with you! You can sit up in bed and send emails! Or read the ones that have come in to you.