Thank you all, my dear friends. Your prayers worked wonders. I had the best night's rest after appealing for your help last night. I started feeling relief almost immediately after posting. Just goes to show you, how helpful we can be for each other with our empathy. I admire the generosity of all who feel they could do so much good with a winning lottery number, but what a difference a prayer can make.
And of course, chicken soup is a marvellous remedy for feeling better. Thank you, Ginny. That's hilarious. Isn't that laughable. And that's the catch. It hurts when I laugh. And I argued about that with the doctor. We talked about therapeutic measures for someone with sore chest muscles. Nothing physical he said to me. Of course, read a book. Read Tunkler. Is he out of his mind, I wondered. Tunkler wrote the funniest stuff, but the pain would be unendurable. I wonder that Dante didn't find a place for that punishing torment in his Inferno. Well, there was that Tunkler piece about the guy, an obvious hypocondriac who spent a whole summer visiting the health spas of Europe. That was funny. I must have it here somehwere, buried among all my books. Let's start digging. Keep praying.