Have finally found a few moments to check in....Our Christmas was one of the best ever! My sweet little 2 yr old granddaughter Zoey and her 5 yr. old brother Zak filled my Christmas Eve Mass with so much laughter, with their inquiry as to where is the baby Jesus, who was missing in the stable. It was precious when they walked the baby figurine in to place it in the manger, sweet little Zoey says so loud the entire church could hear, "Awwww baby Jesus is so cute!" I am very blessed to have my family share 5:30 Mass with us, and then go to my house to open presents. My daughter and her husband live in Florida and have yet to visit at Christmas, so we have to be contented with the telephone calls.
Barb, I am so very sorry to hear you caught the flu. You made me realize how I need to hurry out tomorrow to get my flu shot. I hope your travels back home will be comfortable. There truly is NO PLACE LIKE HOME, especially when you are sick.
Rosemary, it is so nice to hear from you. I always look forward to your posts sharing your life in England. I have never been fortunate to travel out of the U.S. unless Canada counts.
Ginny, Reading how Senior Learn came about from SeniorNet was interesting. My first book I ever read with SeniorNet was Teacher Man by Frank McCourt. I'm a bit fussy on the second book, may have been Guernsey Literary Potato Pie Society. Ughhh is that the correct title? I am falling asleep at the computer so I suppose I will say good night. May daycare does not resume until January 2nd, so my hubby being retired is running my legs off of me. Oh how I love schedules and continuity.
If I don't make it back in before the ball drops in New York City, to ring in the New Year, I wish you ALL the Happiest New Year, and may 2014 be the best year ever!!
Ciao for now~
p.s. Just wanted to mention I had an email in my aol inbox from Amazon titled "invoice for my recent purchase." I did not purchase anything from Amazon recently so I tried to open it and my anti virus warned me it was a trojan virus. Has anyone else gotten anything like this? Luckily my antivirus program was able to prevent it from getting into my computer.