I think you are exactly right, Steph. I know I was born with the gene and have had it all of my life: the explorer gene. I am no daredevil, and I like my creature comforts; but I loved seeing the world from birth onwards. Good thing, too, as I was an army brat and moved frequently. Plus my kin have always been world travelers, and I had my first 8 day trip across the Atlantic to Europe in a ship back in 1934, when I spent the summer in Belgium visiting one of my great aunts. My great grandmother took me with her. In those days, if you went there for a visit, you stayed a while! They tell me I was prattling French like a native by summer's end! My aunt assigned one of her maids to be my nanny, and the girl took me to the park every day to play with the other children. I can remember playing and talking with them, but have absolutely no memory of it being in French! I had my 5th birthday on the ship going over. It was the old Red Star Line. I can remember my aunt had a lot of friends in to lunch, and at these parties I sat on a chair on a cushion and spoke when spoken to. I was allowed, indeed encouraged, to be present for lunch, but never dinner. I can remember them talking about, among other things, Hitler and "the Huns." They always called them Huns. I grew a rather terrible imagination about what these horrible Huns must be like!