Good afternoon to y'all! I've been away for a bit with dealing with some health issues but am doing much better.
It's nice to return and see so many interesting posts. I can't believe Spring is just days away and we are now into the Lenten Season. I must say reading each of your posts on the meaning of Lent was enlightening. Oh, how strict Lenten season was years ago, don't eat meat on Fridays, give up your favorite foods, pray more, etc., etc. At our last Bible study on Ash Wednesday Fr. Jim was talking about Lent and how today the attitude is more about focusing on repentance, renewal, and reformation spiritually. He said that even though the practices of the doctrine remain, we are to be more aware of becoming more intimate with our own personal growth and relationship with God/Jesus. The Catholic church is slowly changing in its teachings in that they recognize the Baltimore Catechism was a lot of "Don'ts" and today the church is more about "Do's". For me the don'ts seems to be rigid and scolding, where the dos seem to be more acceptable and loving. So, in teaching my students in CCD class about what is expected during the Lenten season I could see they were much more
wanting to give up something or do more for others as a way of spiritual growth. I always used the acronym WWJD, (What would Jesus do?) In following the example of Jesus, we become more like him, and Lent is all about the beginning of Jesus' journey to the ultimate sacrifice crucifixion to show God's love for us, and the ultimate reward to have forgiveness and everlasting life.
I'll never forget years ago when my dear friend Sr. Myra, who was also my principal and mentor asked me out to lunch on a Friday during Lent. She ordered mac n cheese and a vegetable. I looked in total surprise and asked her aren't we supposed to eat fish on Fridays of Lent. She laughed and said, "Marie, we are not supposed to eat meat on Fridays of Lent, but you most certainly do NOT have to replace it with fish, you can have pizza with cheese if you want." All these years I raised my kids eating fish on Fridays and here we could have been having mac n cheese, grilled cheese sandwiches with tomato soup, PIZZA with cheese!!!! Oh, that was the best surprise and laugh I can remember in all the years she was by my side mentoring me. Just to remind you I was baptized Catholic, but my father was killed when I was 3 yrs. old leaving my mother a widow with 7 small children to raise ages 1-12. We rarely attended church, but the parish priest Fr. Vanadia would come to our house to make sure my mother was teaching us our prayers and faith. After I was married my husband's cousin Fr. Bob instructed me personally so I could make my First Communion and Confirmation. The first time I looked through an old Baltimore catechism book I was shocked to see how much the catechism teaching had changed from then to now. We talk at our Bible study with Fr. Jim and discuss how the church realizes how it must stay with the doctrine but must also reach the people through the imitation and compassion of Jesus' life. So, yes, you can give up something to sacrifice during Lent, but doing good acts for others just may fill you up spiritually more so than missing your favorite candy, cookies, or playing on your devices. Phew... don't know where all this came from, and I hope I did not bore any of you. I do tend to get over excited when speaking of my faith. lol
Now, as for books I have been reading...For Christmas I was given the most gorgeous coffee table book from my granddaughter Kenzie, titled
Downton Abbey -A New Era- The Official Film Companion by Emma Marriott. The full-page pictures are spectacular! I so miss the TV series, but now that Dame Maggie Smith who played Violet Crawley, the Dowager Countess of Grantham has passed, I'm not sure the show would ever be the same without her. She was truly the matriarch of the family. Here is a very nice article on her., well, I need to be getting outside to enjoy this beautiful sunny day with temps expected to hit 70s. Y'all have a great day!