Finished it! 511 pages of the Thousand Autumns of Jacob Van Zoet. Huge, colorful, intricate wonderful historical novel. In the early 19th century, the Dutch had a total lock on trade with Japan; the only Western nation allowed to import and export, from an island enclave off the coast of Nagasaki , strictly forbidden to fraternize with the natives lest the culture be corrupted. It stretches over thirty years and includes the most bittersweet love story and the differences in perceptions between the Dutch and the Japanese. I recommend it highly!
The Nook version includes a fascinating essay by the author, David Mitchell, about historical fiction in general and the challenges in writing it. He points out that the best selling novel of all time was historical fiction. I'll let you all take a guess at what he says it is.
I reread books sometimes, especially poetry. Billy Collins is fresh every theme. Likewise Mary Oliver and Shakespeare, of course.
Pedin, I am not an expert on women's studies, but Candace Wheeler sounds like someone who make a breadthrough in the design field. Will have to wikipedia her.
At my local B and N store, the Nook expert, "Doctor Sally" was letting us know about the "Essential 81 classic novels in one book, available for only 3.99. A Young soldier had been in, saying that he was headed for Afghanistan and had never read the classics. He thought this would be a good time to do it. May God bless him!