I got my votes in, but not without getting a bit steamed. Got there at 7:15 AM, only about 6 folks in front of me. Went to the sign up desk, they did their thing, told me to take a ballot numbered ____, I asked the gentleman who appeared to be the election judge if I could use the one automatic machine, and he said he thought so, but he didn't know how it worked. He tried to put in my Precinct number, but it wouldn't accept it. He finally got the actual precinct judge to come over, who told me I was at the wrong precinct. I said "No, I'm not, here's my Voter's Registration Card, and a post card verifying my Precinct and the location of the Precinct". He then immediately asked me for my I.D., matched it to my Certificate. Then he got on his computer, and checked me again, finally said okay you need the ballot numbered #____. I had that in my hand. While I was waiting for all this hoo-hah going on, I noticed a tag on the computerized machine, which told me that it was for another Precinct (what it was doing there I don't know) and I pointed that out to the gentleman who tried to enter my number into it. I hope the ballots for this precinct come out good as the Precinct Judge looked like he was about 18, and admitted he had not done this before. The sign up team was a young lady and young guy, neither of which looked like they were 18 years old.
I told the Pct Judge that this was too important an Election for the precinct to be run by folks who didn't know what the hell they were doing.
All in all it took me about 20 minutes, when I could have been out in five minutes if they had been cognizant of how things worked.