Caroline is a real person, and she is from the Charleston, South Carolina area originally.
Since she is here in Annapolis, we have known about her cakes for some years now. The story I originally heard may or may not be the truth, but here goes. When she first left home, which was near or in Charleston, South Carolina, and came up here, she missed the cakes made by a local black woman that her family had always had. So every time she went home, she brought a bunch back. Well, friends and neighbors who had some at her house began to ask her if she could bring them back one or two. They would pay, of course. She said she could. In almost no time her vehicle would be stuffed to the roof with cakes. So she asked if she could have the recipes and was told she could and she started up in her own home. Now she has 2 stores here and I heard recently she had opened one up down there in South Carolina. That is my version. I do not know Caroline. I have seen pictures of her and she was written up in our local paper. Probably that is where I gleaned my story.
The cakes are heavenly, but she has gone up in price from $45 to $58 in just this one year. I have decided to switch to our Main Ingredient caterers, and they just did a cake for my daughter Anne's 61st birthday that my entire family declared the winner of the beauty contest as the most beautiful cake we've ever had AND of the taste contest as the best cake ever. So there 'ya go! Oh, with the cost of special decoration and Maryland tax and the whole shebang, it cost me just $44.54, and it was huge.