I adored THE RED TENT. It was one of my all time favorite books, albeit of course I have reached that age where I cannot remember the names of all of my all time favorites. But honestly, this was one.
Years later, when you mention that book, I find I have two ways in which it impacted my knowledge of ancient history. One, of course, was her portrayal of the way the women of the tribe were required to be set aside during their periods. No matter their age, if they were menstruating, they had to live in The Red Tent, with no men nearby to become contaminated by them! Weird, but true! Diamant, of course, wove a lot of imagination into her story, but the basic premise was truly the way things were.
The other was the beautiful Biblical story of Leah and Rachel and how Jacob yearned for Rachel and fulfilled his contract to win her. And how the women he was married to or had as concubines (totally permitted and encouraged back then) got along with one another as a family grouping. And how it was with their children.
Oh, I do think almost every woman alive would love this book.