I think I get what Elizabeth means, when she says the different ways people lead, with different parts of their body. I have a tendency to people watch. When I sit at say like a mall, and study people, I can see that some lead with their brows, when they have an emotion or thought, they don't necessarily express, but their brow goes up or down. I see the reaction clearly in people's brows, or eyes, leg movement, nose, arms, etc. etc. Someone who leads with their nose, now I think that could mean they are keen to the scents around them, or they could be a bit snooty. Mouth could mean you see their reactions with how they move their mouth, and taste could factor in. I so can see someone leading with their mouth, especially when they are nervous. I see any part of the body could be recognized in how a person leads and perceives life. Now a baby is so evident, because their natural reactions when stimulated is to use all parts of their body, eyes brighten up, mouth tries to form words, legs wriggle, arms flay, nose wrinkles, feet kick, brows frow, and oh their little hearts just bursts with joy! We always could tell how our little grand daughter was excited, before she ever expressed a sound, her little arms would extend, and her wrists would twist like little pinwheels. I know I lead with my eyes.
People give more away with their body parts, in expressing their thoughts or feelings, than I think they realize. I've watched shows that have experts who are body analysts, and they can tell a person's thoughts and feelings, through the way they hold or move their body parts. Especially if they are not telling the truth, or are uncomfortable. They are able to distinguish a person who is a leader, follower, pacifier, shy, introvert, extrovert, submissive, etc., etc. I love studying people, especially politicians, when they speak, because their body gives away more than their words.
PatH., I too, like the little bedroom. I grew up in a house with slanted ceilings in our bedrooms, and they were small and cozy, and very cold.
Ciao for now~