Author Topic: Soiree in New York City: A Retrospective: Come share the adventures!  (Read 137154 times)


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Re: Soiree in New York City: come join us!
« Reply #240 on: August 17, 2010, 02:13:35 AM »

September 8-12, 2010
Everyone is invited!  

Autumn in New York, (are you singing?) What could be finer?

Based on the resounding success of our 10th Anniversary Gathering in NYC in 2008, we thought we'd try it again!~

Our Hotel: The Leo House:  "The Little Heart in the  Big City," with the best rates you'll find anywhere.

Hotel Information and Rates

Garden at the Leo House

If you are a Latin student, come meet some of  your classmates, for a fun filled day or  weekend:

Classics Students at the Met, NYC 2008

Brief  Schedule Outline
See below for details and plan to join us:


Sept 8th-Wednesday:
--Contact: Ann for details. Ann  plans for us to meet at the Fraunces Tavern Museum at 3pm.  When the museum closes at 5pm, we'll walk to the Bridge Cafe, also historic,  for dinner. Our reservation is for 6 pm.  Fraunces Tavern is  where George Washington and his generals met after or during the Revolution.   The Bridge Cafe

Thursday 9/9: --LucyLibr--plans a cruise on the Hudson. Contact: Lucy for details.

Friday 9/10

Morning at the Met:

9:30: Note new time! Join us for a private tour of the Met with Assisted Listening Devices on the topic The History of Book Binding, Books, Illuminated Manuscripts and Related Works.  Free to SeniorLearn, only 4 slots remaining!

---Followed by Lunch in the Atrium Cafe under the glass.

---Followed by a short seque  open to all to see the  Cubiculum of Villa of P. Fannius Synistor, and the Monteleone Chariot! See email.

---After Lunch: Free Afternoon at Leisure


Saturday 9/11:  Our First Author's Tea at the award winning  Sarabeth's, see below!

Sunday 9/12

Alf is planning a Surprise Venue for Breakfast!   Contact: Andrea   for details.

Those wanting to go to Ellis Island will convene in the Lobby of the Leo. As an alternative, Ann plans a trip to the Tenement Museum. OR just do your own thing! Contact: ginny for details.

Other Enticements:

Pedl'n plans a day at the newest NYC park, the High Line. Contact: Pedln for details.

Eloise will be our Coordinator  daily at Breakfast at the Leo House. She will   be at the cafeteria for an hour to take messages and keep everybody informed on what is happening on that day.

Additional Possibilities:

The short terms, unscheduled -- High Line Park, with maybe a visit to Chelsea Market nearby, Union Square,  The Strand,  Chelsea Market,  shopping,  Tenement House  and Museum, Botanical Gardens, Etaly if open, a Broadway Show, Algonquin or Chelsea Hotels, concerts, opera, bus tour of NYC, etc.

Monday 9/13: : Travel Day:  Departure


9/11: Our  First Ever Author Tea at Sarabeth's on Central Park between 5th and 6th Avenue:  This is our room!

Join us on September 11 in this award winning restaurant looking out on the Park for one of their famous Teas, at less than half price, $10 only, no tax, and enjoy meeting our authors, Bruce Frankel,  and Maryann McFadden:

"I can think of no writer I'd rather have sing me songs of the sea, even sad ones, than Maryann McFadden."---Anne Rivers Siddons
We'll be discussing Maryann McFadden's book,  here on SeniorLearn beginning August 15 - at
"So Happy Together"
Join us today!

Bruce Frankel’s book, "What Should I Do With the Rest of My Life" is inspirational!  "This upbeat, inspiring, timely book shows how taking a risk and fighting to find a passionate career — at any age — can reinvigorate your life...”— Susan Shapiro
Come join Bruce now - and be inspired!  
Talking Heads ~ "What Should I Do With the Rest of My Life"

Contact: Ann today to secure your place at the table!  We have only a few seats left!~  Don't miss this one!!

See information about reservations at the LEO HOUSE. Deadline to reserve your accommodations is June 15!

Questions about the gathering? Contact: Ann

As a New Yorker would say, "What's not to like?"  

Join us if you can, you'll never forget it!

Sign in here and help us plan what you want to see and do!

For a map go to MTA NYC Transit and look at the subway system map. It gives you an idea of how the city is laid out, east and west on either side of the Hudson.  You are staying on west side which is where the cruise port and Times Square are. I use Mapquest for specific locations like the Tenement Museum the other night.


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Re: Soiree in New York City: come join us!
« Reply #241 on: August 17, 2010, 06:50:10 AM »
You are staying on west side

Thank you Lucy! This is something I occasionally wonder about, and now we know.

East Side, West Side, all around the town...
The cops play ring a rose, London Bridge is falling down.
Boys and girls together, me and Mamie O'Rourke
Trip the light fantastic ON the sidewalks of New York!

Where do these songs COME from? That's an old one, for sure. I always thought we were on the East side, shows you what I know!

Andrea, no, I don't need a check, thank you tho,  let me see how cheap we can get it!



  • Posts: 247
  • Montreal
Re: Soiree in New York City: come join us!
« Reply #242 on: August 17, 2010, 09:12:13 AM »
I think 9:00 would be plenty of time to go approx. 30 blocks.  How many of us?  However many cabs are needed. We can be more specific Wed. night when we have dinner.  I'm going to be at the Leo for breakfast Thursday morning early if that makes you feel any better. 

Thank you Lucy for your great help. That information is so appreciated especially for those not familiar with NYC like me. I don't know how many registered, I don't remember seeing a recent head count, but at the Montreal Bash one taxi driver drove 5 people to the wrong pier and they almost missed the dinner cruise if it had not been for someone going to get them.

The cruise will finish around 12:30, just in time for lunch somewhere nearby and then we will probably spread out in different directions.


  • BooksDL
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  • Downtown Gahanna
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Re: Soiree in New York City: come join us!
« Reply #243 on: August 17, 2010, 01:47:04 PM »
yes, Ginny, please don't forget to tell us what we owe for riding in such high style to the Met!  Aren't we lookin' grand?!!
"No distance of place or lapse of time can lessen the friendship of those who are thoroughly persuaded of each other's worth." Robert Southey


  • Posts: 4387
Re: Soiree in New York City: come join us!
« Reply #244 on: August 17, 2010, 07:10:22 PM »
The cruise is 3 hours. You can choose a shorter one, or if the weather is not good, take a bus tour instead.


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Re: Soiree in New York City: come join us!
« Reply #245 on: August 18, 2010, 09:21:28 AM »
I was toying with the idea while in NYC of seeing them tape a TV show. There's  a website on NYC TV Tickets where you can see who is taping what. The Rachel  Ray show seemed to fit in for Thursday, they tape at 2:30, and the View, but the View you have to go in the morning, the Rachel Ray show seemed a good idea. . You can go to any of the websites and see about tickets, just throwing this out for whatever.

We may need to have alternate plans for  for Weather  Contingencies, not only for the Circle Cruise but also for Ellis Island. 


  • Posts: 1360
Re: Soiree in New York City: come join us!
« Reply #246 on: August 18, 2010, 08:24:08 PM »
Oh wow, I never thought of that Ginny.  I would love to see a show.  I like the View, I'd love to a witness to the energy and the arguements.  I'm in.
Books are the bees which carry the quickening pollen from one to another mind.  ~James Russell Lowell


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Re: Soiree in New York City: come join us!
« Reply #247 on: August 18, 2010, 08:32:26 PM »
Tickets for the View:


  • Posts: 1360
Re: Soiree in New York City: come join us!
« Reply #248 on: August 18, 2010, 08:38:49 PM »
Is anyone else interested in doing this?
Books are the bees which carry the quickening pollen from one to another mind.  ~James Russell Lowell


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Re: Soiree in New York City: come join us!
« Reply #249 on: August 18, 2010, 08:46:05 PM »
I have applied for a ticket to the  Rachel Ray Show, after reading carefully the times they tape. They tape at 4 pm on Tuesdays Wednesdays and Thursdays. To see the 4 pm show you have to arrive with your email ticket, which is not a ticket it just gets you the chance to stand in line (hopefully it will rain on those of us in line so I can get a seat) at 2:15.

I can be there at 2:15, and so I'm going to try for the show because I do watch her and after seeing them seat an audience on the website, I see I have a lot to learn about how TV shows, particularly cooking shows, work. Should we get rained out of our Circle Line Cruise, I'll do the early taping, it's my rain check on the day.

There is a list of all the TV shows taping in NYC, this is not the best link but I would not use these people but go directly TO the website OF the individual show.


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Re: Soiree in New York City: come join us!
« Reply #250 on: August 18, 2010, 08:48:31 PM »
Andrea, we were posting together. I'd love to see them tape a show, but have committed to the Cruise, so I can do both with Rachel  Ray, hopefully they will send me a ticket and it will pour rain on all of us in line at 2:15 so I can get a seat. hahaha


  • Posts: 247
  • Montreal
Re: Soiree in New York City: come join us!
« Reply #251 on: August 19, 2010, 09:45:00 AM »
This is a revised list of things that were mentioned for the free or loose time.
The Strand  -  
Book Store in Greenwich Village  
Top of the Rock,  Times Square.
Marquis Hotel Revolving Restaurant
Tenement Museum and Book store
Ellis Island
St. Patrick’s Cathedral
High Line Park
Chelsea Market
Foreign films
Bus tour of Manhattan  
Ground Zero
Broadway Show
Off Broadway show
Union Square
Lunch at Eataly
Window shopping on Broadway
Greenwich Village bookstore  
TV show
Skating rink

Yes, we do need a B plan Ginny in case it rains but we have to pretty much know if there is a chance of rain in the morning before we leave for the day. I guess someone will have to look at the weather forecast to know if we need an umbrella or a B plan.

I don’t care for seeing a TV show taped. I have never really seen New York much and I would prefer the old tourist attractions and the glitz and glamour of the Big Apple.

Has anyone heard from Gay? I emailed her but I got no answer.


  • BooksDL
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  • SE Missouri
Re: Soiree in New York City: come join us!
« Reply #252 on: August 19, 2010, 10:37:28 AM »
If rain cancels our cruise, I'm off to the Guggenheim or MoMa or some such.  Or, if you really want something cool to supplant a rainy cruise, take the subway direct to the Brooklyn Museum and see the permanent exhibit of Judy Chicago's Dinner Party.  Fantastic.  I go to see it just about every time I come to NY.

I really don't like being held to a lot of schedules, so will pass on the TV show.


  • Posts: 1093
Re: Soiree in New York City: come join us!
« Reply #253 on: August 19, 2010, 12:06:57 PM »
If it's rainy, The Museum of the American Indian is a great place to go.  The building is absolutely beautiful and the exhibits are very interesting and well mounted.  It's way downtown at 1 Bowling Green not far from a lot of other interesting sites.  Link here:

The museum is free since it's part of the Smithsonian!!!!!!!!!

I wouldn't choose a TV taping - would rather hang out in a bookshop or go to the Morgan Library.

The Cathedral of St. John the Divine is fascinating - has been under construction for about a century now and is a great place to visit although it's way uptown.  I see that the #11 bus goes right up there.  I've been there before but only on one of Meg's library trips.


  • BooksDL
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  • Downtown Gahanna
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Re: Soiree in New York City: come join us!
« Reply #254 on: August 19, 2010, 12:45:53 PM »
I too would like to see the Gugenheim or The Morgan. 

We have taken tour of St John the Divine and it was so incredible.  Loved that church.  Its well worth the trip.
And Pedl'n has made a super suggestion for the Brooklyn Museum of Art to see "The Dinner Party".  There is a complete explanation and pictures in a pre room which is worth your time before you see the exhibit.  Judy Chicago's ideas are something else.

JoanR, I looked up the Indian Museum and came to this listing of their exhibits.  I would be interested in see
"Up Where We Belong: Native Musicians in Popular Culture"  Here's the link to all their exhibiits:

"No distance of place or lapse of time can lessen the friendship of those who are thoroughly persuaded of each other's worth." Robert Southey


  • Posts: 4387
Re: Soiree in New York City: come join us!
« Reply #255 on: August 19, 2010, 10:47:58 PM »
Bob and I went on the Circle Cruise this afternoon, leaving at 4:30, which he preferred because the light is better for photography and that's what he's interested in. It was a perfect day, hot, clear, and not so humid. The trip is great, the narration most informative, detailed, and interesting and very easy to hear.  The ship is clean and new and has nice bathrooms. We could not actually circle Manhattan because the tide was too high to allow us to go under the Harlem Bridge, but we turned around and I think saw more because that end of the trip is not as interesting.  The best place for sightseeing and taking photos is the bow, but I could see plenty from my seat.

Yes, Ginny, they do take pictures when you board the ship, and they charge $25 for them. We took pictures of another couple and they took one of us with Bob's camera, not that we really need photos. We have such nice ones from when we were young and pretty!

There were limos lined up at the pier when we got off the ship, so I asked how much to go to Chelsea Market--$45.00 for 10 people.

Another idea I had was to have lunch in the area and then take the bus tour--see the same areas by land and by sea.

Does everyone understand that you must sign up in advance for specific tours at the Tenement Museum? If you go to tha facility we went to the other night, all you will see is the store and a few minor displays.


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Re: Soiree in New York City: come join us!
« Reply #256 on: August 19, 2010, 10:51:57 PM »
Anyone want to go to St. Thomas Church Sunday afternoon for evensong and organ concert?

I don't believe there is any ice skating this time of year.

Top of the Rock is at Rockefeller Center, 49th and 5th Avenue, approx., and near St. Patrick's and St. Thomas's.


  • BooksDL
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  • SE Missouri
Re: Soiree in New York City: come join us!
« Reply #257 on: August 20, 2010, 10:06:38 AM »
Lucy, that's great info.  And new ideas and my head is spinning.  The Sunday concert at St. Thomas sounds good, so does Ellis Island.

The limo to Chelsea Market sounds pretty reasonable.

My head is spinning with all these choice.

I'm thinking that the cruise around Manhattan that I took with my girls was not a Circle cruise.  It must have been the one that left from South Seaport 'cause we started and ended downtown.


  • BooksDL
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Re: Soiree in New York City: come join us!
« Reply #258 on: August 20, 2010, 10:11:43 AM »
Are you suggesting that we hire a limo or two to get to the cruise line docks?? Would that be the same price??
How many of us are going on the cruise from the Leo??

May I ask what temps we maybe could expect at that time of the year which is only 3 weeks away???  Yikes??
I am still debating on what kind of clothing to take.  Today will be replacing old Nikes with new ones in dark and light colors??? Something like that.  So, maybe we ought to be keeping the weather underground clickable up in the heading for everyone to check on??
"No distance of place or lapse of time can lessen the friendship of those who are thoroughly persuaded of each other's worth." Robert Southey


  • BooksDL
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Re: Soiree in New York City: come join us!
« Reply #259 on: August 20, 2010, 10:18:13 AM »
Annie, make it easy on yourself.  Take the same clothes you took two years ago.   ;D


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Re: Soiree in New York City: come join us!
« Reply #260 on: August 20, 2010, 10:19:28 AM »
If I still can find them, that is what I planned.
"No distance of place or lapse of time can lessen the friendship of those who are thoroughly persuaded of each other's worth." Robert Southey


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Re: Soiree in New York City: come join us!
« Reply #261 on: August 20, 2010, 11:05:17 AM »
The limos are available when you get off the ship, so we can decide then depending on what we want to do and how many there are.

It will be quite hot, 80's I would think in the daytime, so, right, the clothes you had 2 years ago. We have had a very hot summer!  You will need a lightweight sweater or jacket for evenings and cooler days if we are lucky enough to have them.


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Re: Soiree in New York City: come join us!
« Reply #262 on: August 20, 2010, 12:55:52 PM »
And we can also hope your room has air conditioning otherwise another legend will be born. :)

I very much like the idea of limos at the dock. Is there any place to eat near the dock or should we come into town? I vote into town.

Remember that time we took another  black market limo like these after a show in the Theater District and we found it was cheaper per person than a cab would be? I think it was 5 bucks each or something like that.

IF the Rachel Ray show sends me a ticket I will need somebody to take my camera, (it's small), you can't take a camera in the studio. I wonder what they do about cell phones, most of them take photos too.


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Re: Soiree in New York City: come join us!
« Reply #263 on: August 20, 2010, 12:57:37 PM »
Jerry Lee Lewis will take the part of his own character in Million  Dollar Quartet on Broadway in a one time performance on September 10,  at 8 pm. This is Friday, the day of our Met Morning.

Only in New York!

I've got a crummy seat as this is one of those electric things that you read about and I saw him not too long ago on something and he was pretty amazing.  If you'd like to go with, just holler, we can share a cab? (Fat chance of getting one on Friday) or a subway back.


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Re: Soiree in New York City: come join us!
« Reply #264 on: August 20, 2010, 03:54:12 PM »
The limos are at the dock, but I was thinking if you took one to Chelsea Market and High Line you would want to eat there where there are so many good places.

You won't have any trouble getting a subway any time--just squeeze in and you would be going only a few blocks.

Anyone want to see Billy Elliott?  or Next to Normal?


  • Posts: 247
  • Montreal
Re: Soiree in New York City: come join us!
« Reply #265 on: August 20, 2010, 08:29:13 PM »
Pedln, Is the MoMA something like the Musée d’Orsay in Paris? The term Modern Art usually means for me something too modern like Expressionism which I don’t really care about. But I do like the Impressionists, guess how old I am. In any case I will add it to the list and we will see later on what I will be able to fit in.

Lucy. Oh! I must Google Judy’s Chicago Dinner Party, it sounds super.
Anyone want to go to St. Thomas Church Sunday afternoon for evensong and organ concert?
I would like to coordinate visits that are near each other and bring back more fantastic memories home with me.

So, maybe we ought to be keeping the weather underground clickable up in the heading for everyone to check on??

I guess you mean the New York weather, forgive my stupidity. But why “underground”

Ginny, I think I saw somewhere that the Leo has air conditioning, I will look again. I think it is a must don’t you? BUT I saw on their site that 
the buffet style breakfast is served every day except Sunday
So Sunday we go out to eat where? Do they keep the Cafeteria open so we can have a mini meeting there?


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Re: Soiree in New York City: come join us!
« Reply #266 on: August 20, 2010, 08:51:58 PM »
I think some rooms are not air conditioned, cross your fingers.

Oh my gosh at the list of restaurants at the Chelsea Market!!  If we went there, how would we ever choose? Good heavens, is that Morimoto? I'm a sandwich freak.   I tried to read the Cafe Menu of Amy's Bread,  and had to stop, the sandwiches absolutely looked to die for, am drooling, here goes the diet,  and there's a book store, too.  Definitely putting that one on my list.

Good point,  Eloise, about the Sunday Breakfast,  we'll need an alternate venue.  I don't recall if the dining room will still be open, but there's a sort of....whatever room on the first floor leading to the garden, or maybe the lobby would do for us that one day..  Maybe Ann can find out.

I see in the NY Times that Eataly is also supposed to open the last of August in the  Flatiron district and that, too, looks like the end of the world, cross your fingers again!


  • BooksDL
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  • Downtown Gahanna
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Re: Soiree in New York City: come join us!
« Reply #267 on: August 21, 2010, 05:01:26 AM »
Are we talking about Sunday's breakfast???  There are a plethora of restaurants all around the Leo.  Surely, someone has a brunch or breakfast offering.  And we could all travel to the Chelsea Market for an early breakfast?? How far away is it?? Could we walk??  We can ask at the front desk.  I am sure they will know.

Egad, Ginny, you were lucky to get in at all.  I suppose the tickets are way up there in cost and we have already committed to the Sunday play.   Can't do everything that comes up. 
"No distance of place or lapse of time can lessen the friendship of those who are thoroughly persuaded of each other's worth." Robert Southey


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Re: Soiree in New York City: come join us!
« Reply #268 on: August 21, 2010, 08:57:43 AM »
The Chelsea Market appears to be at  75 9th Avenue (Between 15th and 16th Streets),   that's a fair hike, depending on what condition one is in,  on a beautiful day, not for me in the rain, and Eataly is or will be at  200 5th Ave, too far for any brunch type thing.

Gosh I hope the heat lets up, am getting very excited!~! NEW YORK! And SENIOR LEARN,  what a group you are, coming from Canada and England, anhd all over everywhere, Illinois (let's get a list) New York, Florida, South Carolina,  who is left out? This is  VERY exciting, can't wait! We definitely need a group photo with our authors at Sarabeth's and everywhere else we can get one.


  • BooksDL
  • Posts: 6694
  • SE Missouri
Re: Soiree in New York City: come join us!
« Reply #269 on: August 21, 2010, 09:28:16 AM »
You left out MISSOURI!!!     >:(

Who is coming from Illinois?


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Re: Soiree in New York City: come join us!
« Reply #270 on: August 21, 2010, 09:55:56 AM »
Missouri!~!! I sure did! I thought Mary was from Illinois, and I forgot Ohio too!

Canada, England, Florida, Missouri, Ohio, South Carolina, New York, where else?


  • BooksDL
  • Posts: 2977
  • Downtown Gahanna
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Re: Soiree in New York City: come join us!
« Reply #271 on: August 21, 2010, 12:21:23 PM »
Mary is from Indiana but she is now living in North Carolina so you can add NC to the list.

JeanneP is from Champaign, IL, but I haven't heard a word from her in weeks so don't know if she is still coming or not.  I did write her several times but no answer as yet.

I also emailed Gay Hector a few days ago but all is silent in England right now.  Gosh, I hope she hasn't changed her mind.

"No distance of place or lapse of time can lessen the friendship of those who are thoroughly persuaded of each other's worth." Robert Southey


  • Posts: 247
  • Montreal
Re: Soiree in New York City: come join us!
« Reply #272 on: August 21, 2010, 01:42:11 PM »
Things are shaping up pretty good. It's so exciting I can't wait.

Are we talking about Sunday's breakfast???  There are a plethora of restaurants all around the Leo.  Surely, someone has a brunch or breakfast offering.  And we could all travel to the Chelsea Market for an early breakfast?? How far away is it?? Could we walk??  We can ask at the front desk.  I am sure they will know.

I just put the information about the Leo not serving breakfast on Sundays because of the mini meeting where we talk about plans for the day. I suggest that we not go too far away because we don’t all get up at the same time and I will only be available until about 9 when I might be leaving for a visit. A restaurant next to the Leo would be the best for me.

We talked about going to Ellis Island on Sunday. Is that still good? At what time do we want to go there. If it’s around 10, then we would be able to plan something for lunch and the free time afterwards. Is there someone who looked at the times to go there? I completely forgot who is organizing it.


  • Posts: 1360
Re: Soiree in New York City: come join us!
« Reply #273 on: August 21, 2010, 01:51:07 PM »
I love the idea of a bruch.  At the end of the block there is a diner that would be able to accommodate us, as well.

I have a friend who used to be a cop on that beat, would you like me to ask him what he would suggest?  He lived right around that area.  I walked to the Chelsea Market the last time we were in NY City.  Is there anyone who would have a problem with that?  It's not that far ginny.

I ordered tickets to see Million $ Quartet AND Viagra Falls.  with any luck at all we may be seated close together (or not.) ::)
Books are the bees which carry the quickening pollen from one to another mind.  ~James Russell Lowell


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Re: Soiree in New York City: come join us!
« Reply #274 on: August 21, 2010, 01:52:03 PM »
Me! I am organizing it, we said we'd assemble in the Lobby,  and go from there. I suggest an early start, maybe 9 am but we can do 10 and that will give everybody going time to get breakfast and we can then hail a cab to the  seaport, which is not the same thing as where we get the Circle Cruise. I'll be right back with the times for Sunday's excursion to Ellis Island for those planning to go.

There are a lot of coffee shops, etc., around the area.

Hold on!


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Re: Soiree in New York City: come join us!
« Reply #275 on: August 21, 2010, 02:04:32 PM »
 The ferry to Ellis Island also goes to the  Statue of Liberty, what fun to see it up so close. I don't know if anybody will want to go to the Statue also on the way back.  Apparently one ticket does both. It seems, depending on which site you visit, it's either $14.00 or less for seniors.

Location and Directions

The Statue of Liberty Ferry departs from Battery Park on the southern tip of Lower Manhattan.

    * 1 to South Ferry
    * 4, 5 to Bowling Green
    * R to Whitehall Street


    * Visitors to the Park are required to undergo airport style security screening. Visitors to the Monument undergo additional security screening.
    * All persons and property are subject to search.
    * Large bags are not allowed on Liberty or Ellis Islands.
    * There are no locker facilities at the New York and New Jersey embarkation points.
    * There are locker facilities on Liberty Island for Monument visitors.
    * Backpacks, strollers and large umbrellas are not permitted in the Monument.
    * Food (even unopened) and drinks (including water) are not allowed inside the Statue of Liberty.
    * All weapons are prohibited, including: Firearms, explosives or flammables, knives or sharp objects (including tools), pepper spray and mace.

Security is managed by the United States Park Police.

NOTE about the Crown: NYCVP does not sell or reserve tickets to climb the 354 steps to the Statue's crown.

Here is the schedule from another site: it appears to be about every 20 minutes and stops at the Statue of Liberty first.  So if we allow 1/2 hour to get TO Battery Park and buy our tickets, get in line and actually get ON the ferry, what time would you all like to leave? We've got all day, if you  like, if you don't you can always board an earlier boat home, it's our day. I love things like this!

4 Boat Schedule 830-430


Depart from Battery Park   Arrive at Liberty Island   Depart from Liberty Island   Arrive at Ellis Island   Depart from Ellis Island   Arrive at Battery Park
8:30 AM   8:45 AM   8:55 AM   9:10 AM   9:20 AM   9:30 AM
8:50 AM   9:05 AM   9:15 AM   9:30 AM   9:40 AM   9:50 AM
9:10 AM   9:25 AM   9:35 AM   9:50 AM   10:00 AM   10:10 AM
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Return Trips
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  • Administrator
  • Posts: 91060
Re: Soiree in New York City: come join us!
« Reply #276 on: August 21, 2010, 02:30:58 PM »
Just FYI, we  now have 3 going Friday night at 8 pm to see Million Dollar Quartet with Jerry Lee Lewis (who I thought had passed on until I saw him on TV and he was GOOD, he's a long way from gone). If of course he can do the show at all.  IF he can it will be one of those Broadway events you see on TV, magic. Golly moses, I just read another article on him:  he's only 74!!! He'll sing at the end, with the cast,  it should bring the house down.

As it turns out, we're all in the left orchestra, I'm  in J in the middle, (you can choose your own seats on Ticktmaster), rows behind the other two but I can keep an eye on them. You are welcome to come and hear a night of music of songs you know, and enjoy a Broadway Play with us Friday night if you like.  Alternatively, the St. Thomas evensong and free organ concert are to die for, I went with Lucy last time and it's quite  something, so that's free , as well as the possibility of music at the met itself that night, but I don't know that and can't find it. They ARE open till 9 however.

The theater is the Nederlander,  on 41st and 7th,  a couple of blocks down from Times Square, and one block (short) from the 42nd Street subway mega station, so we can go immediately back to 23rd on the train. Have written Lucy to ask about the express, if we can get it there.

So that's ONE Broadway possibility if you are interested. If you have not seen the Lion King, then I'd see it, without a doubt, probably a matinee. I love that thing, have seen it 3 times, once in London.

Yes Gay is coming, she's all excited, she's riding in with Andrea and me.


  • Posts: 247
  • Montreal
Re: Soiree in New York City: come join us!
« Reply #277 on: August 21, 2010, 02:38:41 PM »
Thanks Ginny, it's good to be reminded. I like the idea to all go for breakfast together and leave from there for Ellis Island. I say $14.00 is really inexpensive for something like that. I am saving all the time on some things so I can splurge for others, perhaps a nice dinner and a show or something.

I would love to see Lion King Ginny, but I will pass on Million Dollar Quartet though.


  • Administrator
  • Posts: 91060
Re: Soiree in New York City: come join us!
« Reply #278 on: August 21, 2010, 02:42:50 PM »
I have a friend who used to be a cop on that beat, would you like me to ask him what he would suggest?  He lived right around that area.

Oh yes, please do ask him where to have Breakfast, Andrea, what fun!

Andrea is in charge of Sunday Breakfast/ Brunch!

When do you all want to leave (those of you going to  Ellis Island) for Battery Park Sunday morning?

Andrea are you going September 10 at 8:00 pm to Million Dollar Quartet? If so where is your seat?

Elloise, I like the way this is shaping up too, I think that's a good price for all you get. I can't wait.

When do those of you going to Ellis Island want to leave the breakfast for Battery Park?



  • Posts: 1093
Re: Soiree in New York City: come join us!
« Reply #279 on: August 21, 2010, 04:21:51 PM »
For Sunday breakfast at our last stay at the Leo House, my sister and I walked up to the diner -only a half block west &  then straight across  the avenue.  We had a very nice breakfast with good and friendly service.  I would definitely go back there again.

Do you really think that a half hour is enough time to go from the Leo to the battery and stand in line for tix?  With no traffic problems it's possible but this would be the 9/11 anniversary weekend and there might be tie-ups way downtown.  Can we find out about the ceremonies that are planned?

Meg is out of town this weekend but when she comes back I'll ask her how much time a proper visit to Ellis Island takes.  She led a trip there for her library a couple of years ago.  I think it was the only one of her forays that I missed!  The Mom always gets a good seat on the bus!

I sure hope this hot weather will be gone before the Soiree.  Pour libations to the climate gods!!!!!