Well it fits the story, doesn't it? Old age. No contacs for 6 weeks before hand so we can be blind as a bat in week 3 (our present week) before cataract surgery. What fun! I was rather surprised to see 18 or what I thought was 18 on the post I made yesterday, and panicked a bit, but when i looked in this morning behold today looks lke 18. Allllll rightie, then.
Perhaps I am living my own Groundhog Day movie? Hahaha
Since I'm here, I will go first.
I personally felt the first half of the book was quite lovely. Sort of a reach out if you're lonely and do something about it and look at all the wonderful benefits. It was odd, though, was it odd to anybody but me? The bed thing. Why the bed? I wonder if the author's own writing in the dark, (he pulled a cap over his head and typed in the dark), made him think that there's more sharing of deep feeling and intimacy and so forth by doing that in the dark and that's why she picked the bed?
I can't believe she missed Carl and sharing in the bed because Carl withdrew emotionally when his daughter died. But maybe she did?
She said let's not care what anybody else thinks. I love the freedom of that. But then....she did.
Lots of tantalizing questions, super choice, Ella.
What do you all think? Anyhing surprise you about the book?