Oh my that IS exciting, Ella!! WhOOP!! Everybody is talking about that book now, it's everywhere. Time's huge issue on FDR just a week or so ago? was fascinating, to me. And it mentioned and showed a photograph of her and of course I had never heard of her.
Congratulations, what a coup!
Charlie did you see the Sunday NYTimes Book Review? It's got Wanting and just reading it made me want to read it, author is from Tansania? I usually don't like historical fiction but let's face it, Dickens is all the rage this summer, everybody is reading Dickens. Big article in the Newsweek about rereading this summer and what you should consider rereading. The author is reading Dickens. I liked that article because he had read two books when he was much younger over and over, and finally met one of the authors. He confessed to the author that he read his book over and over and the author took a long look at him and said, "You must have been a dork."
Nice, huh? Guess we found out who was the dork, I never heard of the author or his book. hahaha
Thank you for that link, Marcie. Newsweek has three books in a little come on type quiz which it says are "The top of the Top 100 Books of All Time."
The three on the top are 1984 by George Orwell, Ulysses by James Joyce, and War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy.
Newsweek then says: These are the first three books on the list. Can you put them in the right order? Check your smarts and see the entire list...at.....
I thought that was intriguing. Which would you put on the top and why? Which three would you list in order? That's kind of fun to think about, don't PEEK at the answer.
I'm finding in general that their list of what you should reread NOW and why (another list) is a LONG way from my own taste, it's interesting.
They also have some interesting thoughts on lists in general: a good magazine this time.
But the Dickens Wanting really looks good, thank you Charlie for recommending it.
Have finished with Ripley Under Ground, that thing can scare you to death in strange ways.
Now am going to try a Sebald.
So which would come first to you? Can you put these in order of, YOUR order of, the Greatest 100 Books of All Time?
1984, Ulysses, or War and Peace?