Just curious. Does anyone besides me appreciate that you can now go online to Dictionary.com and (with headphones), actually hear the pronounciation of a word? Now there's a technical innovation I love! The fellow in the following story, told by one of the co-owners of my favorite bookstore, Politics and Prose, could really have used that website:
"Twenty-four years ago I spent an evening with Tony Hillerman and his wife, when he was part of a mystery-author panel. Since then I've frequently retold a humorous anecdote he recounted that night about his interviewing a young candidate for a position in the English literature department at the University of New Mexico, where Tony Hillerman taught. The applicant, earnestly trying to make a good impression, spoke at length about how much he enjoyed the poetry of William Butler Yeetz (Yeats). By Hillerman's account, he patiently listened without interruption until the candidate had finished and then he said he had found his comments very interesting, but added, almost parenthetically, "Around here we call him "Yates." At that the young man replied, "And, oh, I love Kates (Keats) too."