The Girl Who Played with Fire by Steig Laarrson, 2nd in the series, is open on my desk right next to the keyboard. Also Parlour Games by Mavis Cheek, open on the bedside. My sister got me started on Elizabeth Adler, sort of like Danielle Steel, I suspect, but addicting. I'm working my through her list. Sing it to her Bones by Marcia Ralley, is an author new to me; she writes about Hannah Ives, recovering from breast cancer, who finds herself caught up in tragedy when she discovers a body in an abandoned well. The World Beneath by Aaron Gwyn is a mythlike tale of missing person, a young half-breed boy in rural Oklahoma. Finally, I just finished a debut novel, A Bad Day for Sorry, by Sophie Littlefield. A 50ish woman has appointed herself as caretaker for abused women in rural Missouri. She takes care of the women by taking care of their abusers, so thoroughly that they dare not ever lift a hand against any woman. Then she runs into a stuupid jerk who can't quite believe that the rules are for other people. This one is fun but there is blood and gore, Also in the stack to be returned is Rachel Caine's latest in the Morganville Vampire series, Lord of Misrule; the kids are still hanging on, by their fingernails, but there is another book coming out. Stay tuned.